Dr Angela van der Berg

Dr Angela van der Berg who were awarded her doctorate last week from the Faculty of Law and a member of the Research Chair, CLES has just been appointed as an Assistant Professor of International Justice and Global Challenges at Leiden University, Netherlands. We congratulate her in this achievement.


Projects on Water and Energy food - NRF

Two projects with South Africa on water-energy-food nexus

The South African National Research Foundation (NRF) and NWO granted two projects in the first call for proposals of the Cooperation South Africa-The Netherlands research programme. The projects target solutions that balance trade-offs and amplify synergies between the food, water, and energy sectors while simultaneously preserving the environment.

Granted projects Nexusing Water, Energy and Food to Increase Resilience in the Cape Town Metropolitan Region - Principal investigators: Prof. J.M. Monstadt & Prof. M.S. Swilling Water-Energy-Food communities in South Africa: multi-actor nexus governance for social… read more


Welcome to the fifth edition of the North-West University's research and innovation newsletter, Research@NWU. The aim of the newsletter is to showcase research projects, researchers and relevant events.
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NWU's SARChI CLES Chair invites applications for a comprehensive 3-year PhD Scholarship

The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS) and the NWU's SARChI CLES Chair invites applications for a comprehensive 3-year PhD Scholarship, commencing in January 2020.

The Scholarship is intended for a student in the field of public law and governance with an emphasis on urban development and cities.

For more details, see the attached document / follow the link or contact: Mr Felix Dube at felix.dube@nwu.ac.za

Applications close on 30 September 2019.


A former student of the NWU Faculty of Law, Adv Jannet Gildenhuys

'n Voormalige student van die NWU se Regsfakulteit Adv Jannet Gildenhuys, is aangestel as Senior Advokaat met effek vanaf 30 Julie 2019. Jannet het haar LLB-graad (cum laude) verwerf aan die NWU in 1993 en het ook haar LLM by Emory University (Atlanta, VSA) voltooi in 1996, gevolg deur haar LLD in 1992 by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Sy het by die Pretoria se balie aangesluit in 1999 en spesialiseer in eiendomsreg m.b.t. minerale- en mynreg , die wet op serwitute, omgewingsreg, waterreg, onteiening- en evaluasiereg asook ander verwante velde. Sy is een van die mede-outeurs van Dale et al South African Mineral and Petroleum Law (LexisNexis).

Prof Christa Rautenbach received Humboldt Alumni Award

Congratulations to Prof Christa Rautenbach who received her Humboldt Alumni Award from Dr Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany last night. We are extremely proud of you.

Every year, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants up to four Humboldt Alumni Awards to promote innovative networking initiatives of alumni of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellowship and award programmes.

It is designed to support initiatives, not covered by the Foundation's existing sponsorship and alumni programmes, and also to promote academic and cultural relations between Germany and the Humboldt Alumni's own countries and strengthen their collaboration in the…

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European-based summer school for postgraduate researchers

Ms Angela van der Berg (PhD Research Fellow and Programme Coordinator at the South African Research Chair:

Cities, Law and Environmental Sustainability (CLES), NWU, Faculty of Law) has been selected to participate in a European-based summer school for postgraduate researchers. The summer school is fully funded by the organisers and will take place from 6 - 12 May at Hasselt University in Belgium. The summer school pertains to "Methods and strategies to monitor and manage human impact on urbanized protected areas (UPA)." It is an interdisciplinary, international summer school of 6 days in which PhD students from different participating disciplines (Sciences, Transportation…

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Public lecture by Prof Helmut Aust

You are cordially invited to a public lecture by Prof Helmut Aust from the Freie Universitat, Berlin.The lecture is taking place at the Faculty of Law on the 12th of September at 17:00.    In his lecture, Prof Aust focuses on the Paris Climate Agreement and the role of sub-national authorities (eg city governments) in moving forward on its implementation.   For more information, see the attached or contact: Prof Anél du Plessis - anel.duplessis@nwu.ac.za   https://twitter.com/NWUFacultyofLaw

Prof Anél du Plessis is presenting a Public Lecture

Prof Anel du Plessis bied op 26 Junie 2018 'n publieke lesing aan wat deur die Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (Potsdam)  en die Freie Universitat, Berlyn aangebied word. Die lesing is getiteld: "Domestication of the Paris Agreement in South Africa: The role of Cities"  en bevat Mnr Andrew Gilder, Mede-direkteur van Climate Legal (www.climatelegal.co.za) as mede-outeur.  

Prof Oliver Fuo woon tans die "Global Intensive" Program

Prof. Oliver Fuo woon tans die Global Intensive Program of Young Constitutional Law Scholars by wat van 23-29 Junie 2018 in Seoul, Suid-Korea aangebied word.  Die program word georganiseer deur die aanbieders van die 10de Annual World Congress of Constitutional Law en bied 'n geleentheid aan 28  belowende akademici van 16 verskillende lande om te beraadslaag oor hoe konstituisonalisme die globalisering van menseregte en humanitarisme in Suid-Korea en die ander verteenwoordigende lande, bevorder en kweek.  Prof.  Fuo het ook 'n aanbieding gedoen tydens die 17de Werkswinkel van die 10de World Congress of Constitutional Law wat van 18-22 Junie 2018 in Seoul, Suid-Korea plaasgevind het. …

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