
  Prof Christa Rautenbach

  +27 18 299 1939
  Building F5, Office 119A, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  BJuris (cum laude, PU for CHE) 1985; LLB (cum laude, PU for CHE)1987; LLM (PU for CHE) 1995; LLD (NWU) 2001.
  Legal Pluralism; Cultural Diversity; Law of Succession; Customary law; Comparative Constitutionalism; Religious Legal Systems.

  Prof Henk Kloppers

  +27 18 299 1928
  Building F5, Office G03, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  BCom (cum laude, PU for CHE) 1999; LLB (cum Laude, PU for CHE); LLM (PU for CHE) 2001; LLD (NWU) 2012; Postgraduate Programme in Financial Planning (UOFS)
  Estate Planning, Administration of deceased Estates, Insurance Law, Tax Law

  Prof Klaus Beiter

  +27 18 299 1957
  Building F5, Office G02, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
   B.Iur. (with distinction) (UNISA, Pretoria); LL.B. (with distinction) (UNISA, Pretoria); Certificate in German Law (first class) (LMU Munich, Germany); Dr. iur. (summa cum laude) (LMU Munich, Germany); Legal Practitioner (Namibia)
  International Human Rights Law; Right to Education; Right to Science; Scientific/Academic Freedom; Intellectual Property Law; Law and Development; Extraterritorial State Obligations; Linguistic Human Rights in Education; Minority Rights

  Prof Marita Carnelley

  +27 18 299 1959
  Building F5, Office G101E, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  BA LLB (Stell); LLM (UNISA); PhD (Amsterdam)
  Family Law & Gambling Law

  Prof Neels Kilian

  +27 18 3892510
  Building A14, Office G18, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  MA (Regensburg 2006), LLM (Pretoria 2000), LLD (Free State 2011)
  Company Law; Corporate Governance; Law of Securities; Insurance Law

  Prof Oliver Fuo

  +27 18 299 1936
  Building B14B, Office G01, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB, LLM (NWU, Mahikeng) and LLD (NWU, Potchefstroom).
  Local Government Law; Human Rights; and Aspects of Environmental Law.

  Prof Wian Erlank

  Professor and Editor-in-Chief: PER/PELJ
  +27 18 299 1932
  Building F5, Office 102B, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB (Stell) 2002; LLM (Stell) 2004; HonsBA (Stell) 2006; Certificate in Legal Practice (UNISA) 2006; LLD (Stell) 2012
  Law of Property; Virtual Goods; Technology; Internet Law, Space Law and Cyber Law.

Research Professors

  Prof Avitus Agbor

  Research Professor
  +27 18 389 2202
  Building A14, Office 110, Mahikeng Campus,
  LLB (Hons); LLM; PhD
  Public International Law; International Criminal Law; International Human Rights Law; Criminal Law; Public Law

  Prof Howard Chitimira

  Research Professor and Director: Research Unit Law, Justice & Sustainability
  +27 18 389 2026
  Building F5, Office G20, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB (Cum Laude); LLM & LLD
  Corporate & Financial Markets Law; Commercial Law; Mercantile Law; Insolvency Law; some aspects of Competition Law; related aspects of Intellectual Property Law; related aspects of Banking and Financial Law; some aspects of International Trade Law

Associate Professors

  Prof Anél Gildenhuys

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 1036
  Building F5, Office G10, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB (PU for CHE) 2003; LLM (NWU) 2005 and LLD (NWU).
  Law of Succession; Administration of Estates

  Prof Germarié Viljoen

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 1931
  Building F5, Office G06, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB, LLM (cum laude), LLD
  Water law

  Prof Hein Lubbe

  Associate Professor and Acting Director Postgraduate Programme
  +27 18 299 1031
  Building F5, Office 101B, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB (NWU) 2005; LLM (UP) 2006; LLD (UVT) 2010.
  Law of Evidence, Public International Law.

  Prof Heléne Combrinck

   Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 1948
  Building F5, Office 101D, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  B Iuris cum laude (PU vir CHO) 1988; LLB cum laude (PU vir CHO) 1990; Honns BA cum laude (PU vir CHO) 1990; LLM (UK/ UCT) 1993; LLD (UWK/ UWC) 2010
  Disability Law

  Prof Michelle Barnard

  Associate Professor and Deputy Dean: Quality Assurance and Stakeholder Relations
  +27 18 299 1033
  Building F5, Office G10, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom

  Prof Mitzi Wiese

  Assosiate Professor
   018 285 2024
  Building F5, G05, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  Property law

  Prof Natasha Ravyse

  Assosiate Professor
  016 910 3510
  Building A16, Office G01, Vanderbijlpark Campus, Vanderbijlpark
  PhD in Linguistics and Literary Theory
  language and social identity; language vitality; sub-cultural language vitality; Fanagalo; sub-cultural languages

  Prof Niel Lubbe

  Assosiate Professor
  +27 18 299 1032
  Building F5, Office 101A, Potchefstroom Campus,
  LLB (UJ) 2005; LLM (NWU) 2007.
  Family law, Jurisprudence and Regional Environmental law.

  Prof Tumi Mmusinyane

  Associate Professor and Deputy Director Undergraduate Programmes Mahikeng
  018 389 2957
  Building A14 Office G19, Mahikeng Campus , Mafikeng
  LLB (VISTA); LLM (UP) LLD (Unisa)
  Human Rights Law, Customary Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Land and Housing Law, Media Law, Labour Law, Mediation Law, Construction Law, Family Law, Private International Law

Senior Lecturers

  Mr Alex Nair

  Senior Lecturer
  018 285 2614
  Building F5, Office G29, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB (Wits), LLM (Wits), PhD candidate (Wits)
  Labour Law, Family Law and Clinical Legal Education

  Dr Anri Botes

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1052
  Building F5, Office 106, Potchefstroom Campus,
  Labour Law

  Mr Boyane Tshehla

  Senior Lecturer
  018 389 2316
  Building A14, Office, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng, Mafikeng

  Dr Braam Klaasen

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 2125
  Building F5, Office G23, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  BProc (UNISA) 1999; LLM Criminal Law (UNISA) 2006.
   Legal Practice, Indigenous Law and Criminal and Civil Litigation.

  Dr Estie Gresse

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 16 910 3632
  Building A16, Office G04, Vanderbijlpark Campus , Vanderbijlpark
  LLB Cum Laude; LLM; LLD (NWU) 2020
  Family Law Labour Law Scholarship on Teaching and Learning.

  Dr Francois van den Berg

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1943
  Building F5, Office G25, Potchefstroom Campus,
  LLB (NWU) 2007; LLM (NWU) 2008; LLD (NWU) 2013.
  Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure.

  Ms Friedel Steenekamp

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2958
   Building A14, Office G12, Mahikeng Campus ,
  . Proc (NWU) 1988; LLM (UNISA) 2003
  Criminal Procedure, Criminal Law and Law of Evidence

  Dr Jean Kanamugire

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2802
  Building A14, Office G116, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  LLB; LLM (Environmental Law); LLM (Business Law) – (UKZN); LLD (NWU) 2020.
  Environmental Law, Business Law.

  Ms Jeanette Visagie

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1958
  Building F5, Office G04, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB cum laude (NWU) 2009; LLM (NWU) 2011
  Intellectual property law; advertising law; regulatory law and related aspects .

  Mr Kagiso Masilo

  Senior Lector and Director Undergraduate Studies
  +27 16 910 3633
  Building A16 Office G15, Vanderbijlpark Campus ,
  BProc (Unisa); LLM (Manchester, UK)
  Labour Law; Aspects of Human Rights; Family Law; Aspects of Medical Law; Governance and Procurement Law; Aspects of Administrative Law

  Mr Koboro Selala

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 285 2423
  Building F5, Office G19, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom

  Dr Mahlatse Innocent Maake-Malatji

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 16 910 4024
  Building A16 Office, VanderBijlpark Campus, Vanderbijlpark
  LLB (UL) 2017; LLM (UCT) 2018; Ph.D. (UCT) 2023
  Labour Law; Constitutional Law; Customary Law; and Legal Research

  Ms Marie Preston

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1946
  Building F5, Office G29, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
   LLM (NWU), LLB (UNISA), Honn.B.Comm (UF), Advanced diploma in Taxation (RAU), Certificate in the Administration of Estates (UNISA)
  Tax law; corporate social responsibility; trust law; estate planning; administration of deceased estates

  Ms Naeema Gabru

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 2991926
  Building F5, Office G29, Potchefstroom Campus,
  BCOMM (LAW) - 1999; LLB (2001); LLM (2005); CFP (2009); ADVANCED CFP (2010)
  Islamic Finance, Estate Planning, Income Tax, Legal Pluralism, Administration of estates

  Dr Nelson Kekana

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2492
  Building A14, Office G17, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
   B Juris (NWU), LLB (NWU), LLM Tax law (UNISA), HDip International Tax (UJ), LLD Tax law (UP)
  Tax (Domestic and International), Transfer Pricing

  Mr Ngwako I Raboshakga

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1956
  Building F5, Office 103, Potchefstroom Campus,
  LLB (WITS) 2006; LLM (WITS) 2009

  Mr Ramokgadi Nkhumise

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2067
  Building A14, Office 117, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  B.IURIS; LLB; LLM-Specialisation in Labour Law (UNISA); Certificate Programme in Advanced Labour Law; Certificate Programme in Advanced Corporate Law and Securities; Law (UNISA-Centre for Business Law).
  Specialisation in Labour Law, Law of Delict, Law of Damages, Third Party Compensation Law and Insurance Law and Specific Contracts.

  Ms René Koraan

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 4287
  Building F5, Office G08, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB (PU for CHE); LLM-Labour Law (PU for CHE)
   Criminal Law

  Adv Steven Serumaga-Zake

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 16 910 3540
  Building A16, Office G20, Vanderbijlpark Campus, Vanderbijlpark
  LLM (NWU); LLB (NWU); B-Tech Forensic Investigation (UNISA).
  International Law and Human Rights.


  Dr Chantelle Feldhaus

  +27 18 299 1925
  Building F5, Office G102A, Potchefstroom Campus,
  LLB (PU for CHE) 2000; LLM (PU for CHE) 2009, LLD (NWU) 2024.
   Criminal Law: Specific Crimes, Legal Practice and Clinical Law, Child Law.

  Ms Charlene Lanser

  +27 18 389 2177
  Building A14, Office G14, Mahikeng Campus,
  LLB (UP) 2009; LLM (UP) 2010
   Company Law, Law of Succession, Law of Trusts and Administration of Estates

  Ms Chevaure Du Pokoy

  +27 18 389 2197
  Building A14, Office 113, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  LLB (NWU) 2019; LLM (NWU) 2020

   Ditshego Masete

  +27 18 258 2267
  Building F5, Office 107, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom

  Mr Gomolemo Kekana

  '067 269 3459
  Building A14, Office, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng,

  Ms Heritage Moleke

  +27 18 285 2882
  Building F5, Office G01, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  BA in Contemporary English & Multilingual Studies (UL) 2016; BA Honours in Applied linguistics (UL) 2017; MA in English studies (UL) 2021; Postgraduate Certificate in Education (UNISA) 2021.

  Mr Kabelo Mutubi

  +27 18 389 2977
  Building A14, Office G20, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  LLB (Wits) 2018; LLM (Uppsala)
  Contract law and Intellectual property law

  Mr Katlego Mashiane

  +27 18 389 2821
  Building A14, Office G16, Mafikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  LLB (UL) 2017, LLM(UL) 2020
  Environmental Law, Constitutional law, Administrative law, Local Government Law, Administration of Estate

  Mr Krisdan Bezuidenhout

  Building F5, Office G07, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB (UNISA) 2016; LLM (NWU) 2019; SAMTRAC (NOSA) 2021
  Environmental Law; Local Government Law; Administrative Law; Urban Sustainability

  Mrs Lebo Smith

  +27 16 910 3459
  Building A16, Office G17, Vanderbijlpark Campus, Vanderbijlpark
  LLM (Wits) 2017; LLB (Birmingham) 2011
  Environmental Law; Labour Law and Administrative Law

  Mr Leruri Tsweledi

  +27 18 389 2645
  Bulding A14, Office 113, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng

  Ms Masego Mokgoko

  +27 18 285 2838
  Building F5, Office G30, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB (Cum Laude, UNISA) 2023; MPhil: Multidisciplinary Human Rights (UP) 2015; BAHons Criminology (UP) 2013; BPolsci Political Studies (UP) 2012.
  International Human Rights Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Critical Criminology and contemporary crime issues.

  Mr Michael Laubscher

  +27 18 285 2353
  Building F5, Office 107, Potchefstroom Campus,
  LLB (Unisa) 2008; MA English (PU for CHE) 1994
  The Language and Law, Education Law, Mediation

  Ms Michelle Schoeman

  +27 18 299 1968
  Building F5, Office G27, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB (RAU) 2003, LLM Research Dissertation cum laude (NWU) 2013
   Construction Law, Law of Contracts, Civil Procedure, Introduction to Law and Legal Skills, ADR

  Mr Mmakgotso Mongake

  +27 18 389 2337
  Building A14, Office 114, Mahikeng Campus,
  B/ Crim justice; B/Crim justice Hons; LLB and LLM.
  Criminology and related subjects.

  Ms Morgan Padavattan

  083 787 2550
  Building A14, Office 108, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  National Diploma Food and Clothing Technology (1989) National Higher Diploma Post School Education (1992) LLB (2006) LLM ( Corporate Law(2015)
  Criminal Law and criminal procedure

  Dr Motlatjo Ntatamala

  Building A14, Office 109, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
   BA in Contemporary English & Multilingual Studies (U) 2015, BA Hons English Studies (Languages)(UL)2016, MA in English Studies (Language)(UL)2019, PhD  (Doctor of Philosophy) Languages and Literature with English (NWU), Mahikeng Campus  
  Language in Legal Context.

  Adv Mpho Justice Khoza

  Building A14, Office, Mahikeng Campus,
  LLB (UNISA) 2015; LLM (A) (UNISA) 2019
  Law of Property, Contract Law, Moot Court

  Dr Myrone Stoffels

  Lecturer and Deputy Director Undergraduate Programmes Potchefstroom
  +27 18 299 1685
  Building F5, Office G31, Potchefstroom Campus,
  LLB (NWU) 2010, LLM (NWU) 2013
  Criminal Law, Law of Criminal Procedure, Law of Evidence, Local Government Law, Right to Protest (Protest Law)

  Mr Neo Sehlahla

  Building, Office, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  BA, HON, MA (Wits)
  Linguistics and cultural studies.

  Ms Nikita Govender

  Building F5, Office 119B, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom., Potchefstroom
  LLB (Cum Laude), NMU 2018; LLM Research (Cum Laude) NMU 2020.
  Public International Law - International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, and International Criminal Law.

  Ms Nirissa Reddy

  +27 16 910 3631
  Building A16, Office G06, Vanderbijlpark Campus , Vanderbijlpark
  LLB (UKZN) 2004, LLM (UNISA) 2019
  Commercial law, Banking law, Insolvency, Law of Contract

  Ms Nomthandazo Mahlangu

  Building A14, Office G17, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  BA Communication (USA), LLB LLM (UNISA)
  Intellectual Property Law

  Dr Nonhlanhla Ngcobo

  018 285 2420
  Building F5, Office 105, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  BA Law (NWU) 2016; LLB (NWU) 2021; LLM (cum laude, NWU) 2021
  Law and urban development, Developmental local government law, law and party politics and environmental sustainability

  Mr Patrick Mogale

  Building A14, Office G10, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  LLB and LLM in (Development and Management Law)
  Criminal Law, Civil Procedure, Administration of Deceased Estates and Socio-Economic rights

  Mr Phakiso Mello

  Building A14 Office G10, Mafikeng
  LLB(NWU) 2021, LLM(NWU) 2023, LLD(NWU)-present
  Labour Law ,Social Security Law and Human Rights Law

  Ms Sixolile Nose

  Building F5, Office G26, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom

  Mr Tjaart Viljoen

  +27 18 389 2181
  Building A14, Office G19A, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  Lecturing in Law of Procedure and Evidence; Practicing Attorney and Registered Debt Councillor .

  Mr Tshepo Ramatabana

  Lecturer (nGAP)
  Building A14, Office, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng, Mafikeng
  LLB UL (2013);
LLM Development and Management Law (2017)
  Environmental law; Law of succession; LGBTQ rights; Local Government; Environmental law and Sustainability Governance; Mining law; Trade and industry; Law of Persons; Law of Contract; Land Reform and Expropriation; Criminal Procedure.

Junior Lecturers

  Ms Gloria Daza

  Junior Leturer
  Building A14, Office G01A, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  BA Language and Literary Studies with English and French 2021 (Cum Laude, NWU), BA Honours English 2022 (NWU)
  Language in the Legal Context, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis

  Ms Vhudi Mathada

  Junior Lector
  Building, VanderBijlpark Campus, Vanderbijlpark
  . Academic Literacy, Sociolinguistics and Legal linguistics

Postdoctoral Fellows

  Dr Derrick Teneng Cho

  Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  Building, Office, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom
  LLB (Hons); LLM; LLD (NWU) 2021
  International Human Rights Law; IHL; International Criminal Law; Transitional Justice; Environmental Rights; Urban Sustainability

  Dr Elfas Torerai

  Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  Building A14, Office, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  BSc (MSU) 2007; LLB (Unisa) 2017, LLM (NWU) 2020; LLD (NWU) 2022  
  Financial Markets Law, Financial Inclusion, Mercantile law, aspects of Banking Law, Consumer Protection Law, Electronic Commerce

  Dr Fungisai Gcemeni

  Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  Building F5, Office 114, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom

  Dr Inge Snyman

  Postdoctoral Research Fellow
   LLB (NWU), LLM Environmental Law and Governance (NWU), LLD (NWU)
  Environmental law, Biodiversity law, Wildlife crime, Community-based conservation management, Commons

  Dr Luck Mavhuru

  Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  Building A14, Office, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng, Mafikeng
  Bsc Hons in Socioilogy (UZ)
LLB (Wits)
LMM International Trade Law (UCT)
PhD Commercial Law (UCT)
  Mercantile Law, Banking Law, Trade Law, Financial Inclusion and Electronic Transactions

  Dr Sharon Munedzi

  Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  Building A14, Office, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng, Mafikeng
  Mercantile Law; Banking Law and Financial Markets Law

  Dr Tebello Matsela

  Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  Building A14, Office G03, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng, Mafikeng
  LLB (NUL) 2015; LLM (NWU) 2019; LLD (UP) 2024

Manager: Student Affairs

  Mr Neo Lefakane

  Student support Vanderbijlpark Campus
  Building A16, Office, Vanderbijlpark Campus, Vanderbijlpark
  The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Adjudication