Extraordinary Professors

Prof Altus Joubert
Extraordinary Professor & Recipients of Honorary Doctorates PC-LLM@nwu.ac.za BA LL.B (Stell); MBA (UCT) and LL.M cum laude (PU).
Prof Elmarie van der Schyff
Extraordinary Professor Elmarie.vanderSchyff@nwu.ac.za Potchefstroom Campus, BA Law (PU for CHE) 1987; LLB (PU for CHE) 1989; LLM (cum laude) (PU for CHE) 2003; LLD (NWU) 2007. Law of Delict, Law of Property, Law of Damages, Road Accident Compensation.
Prof Flip Schutte
Extraordinary Associate Professor '0836282374 flip.schutte@nwu.ac.za Building F5, Office, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom BA (PU for CHE) 1978; BJURIS (PU for CHE) 1980; LLB (PU for CHE) 1982; LLD (NWU) 2007. Law of Evidence; Law of Property; Law of Estoppel.
Prof Francois Venter
Extraordinary Professor +27 18 285 2354 francois.venter@nwu.ac.za Building B14B, G07, Faculty of Law, Potchefstroom BJur et Comm (PU vir CHO) 1968 LLB PU vir CHO)1970 LLD (PU vir CHO)1978
Prof Frank Diedrich
Extraordinary Professor +49-172-5101125 diedrich@1a-law.de NWU, International Business Law, Commercial and Contract Law, Private International Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution (arbitration, mediation).
Prof Gerrit Ferreira
Extraordinary Professor Gerrit.Ferreira@nwu.ac.za Potchefstroom Campus , B Juris (PU for CHE) 1972 LLB (PU for CHE) 1974 LLM (RAU) 1978 LLD (UNISA) 1984 LLD (PU for CHE) 1996 Fundamental Law Administrative Law Public Law Public International Law
Prof Gerrit Pienaar
Extraordinary Professor +27 18 299 1938 Gerrit.Pienaar@nwu.ac.za Building B14b, Office G06, Potchefstroom Campus, B Jur & Comm - Potchefstroom University 1971. LL B (cum laude) - Potchefstroom University 1973. LL D - Potchefstroom University 1982. Dissertation

Prof Hugo Pienaar
Extraordinary Professor Hugo.Pienaar@dlacdh.com BJuris (Cum Laude), LLB, North West University. Extraordinary Professor, North West University, Visiting Professor, University of the Free State. Admission as an attorney: 1983Prof Juanita Pienaar
Extraordinary Professor jmp@sun.ac.za 3 Florida street Paradyskloof Stellenbosch, 7600., LL.B; LL.M; LL.D.
Prof Leonie Stander
Extraordinary Professor Leonie.Stander@nwu.ac.za Potchefstroom Campus, BJuris (PU for CHE) LLB (PU for CHE) LLM (UNISA) 1985 LLD (PU for CHE) 1995 Law of Insolvency, Administration of Insolvent Estates, Aviantion and Ocean Insurance

Prof Marius Olivier
Extraordinary Professor +27-83-6348197 12917281@nwu.ac.za Lynnwood Ridge Pretoria, South Africa 0040, LLD (Doctoral degree in law) (University of South Africa, South Africa) (1986) LLB (cum laude) (University of Pretoria, South Africa) (1980) BA (Law) (cum laude) (University of Pretoria, South Africa) (1978)
Prof Nic Olivier
Extraordinary Professor oliviern@mweb.co.za University of Pretoria, BA (Regte), Universiteit van Pretoria, 1972 LLB, Universiteit van Pretoria, 1974 BA (Honneurs) in Linguistiek, Universiteit van Pretoria, 1975 Doktor in Regte (Privaatreg en Regsvergelyking), Universiteit van Leiden, 1978 MA in Linguistiek

Prof Robbie JA Robinson
Extraordinary Professor Robbie.Robinson@nwu.ac.za Potchefstroom Campus, BJuris (PU for CHE) 1975 LLB (PU for CHE) 1977 LLD (PU for CHE) 1987 Family Law, Law of Persons, Children's Rights, International Children's Law, Fundamental RightsProf Sam Adelman
Extraordinary Research Associate s.adelman@warwick.ac.uk Dr. Sam Adelman teaches Legal Theory and Comparative Human Rights at undergraduate level and several modules in the LLM in International Development Law and Human Rights. His writings cover legal theory, development, and human rights, and he is currently completing a book on sovereignty.
Prof Sam Ferreira
Extraordinary Associate Professor sam.ferreira@sanparks.org Skukuza, Potchefstroom
Prof Sieg Eiselen
Extraordinary Professor eiselgts@unisa.ac.za Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 1979 B Juris LL B (cum laude) Potchefstroom University. 1981 Tax Certificate UNISA. 1988 LL D Potchefstroom University - Thesis Comparative study on the control of standard form contracts in Germany, Sweden, the USA, Israel and South Africa.
Prof Willem van Genugten
Extraordinary Professor W.J.M.vanGenugten@tilburguniversity.edu Pre-university education: grammar school (‘Gymnasium alpha’), in Uden, Nl, final exam in 1969. - Doctoral exam in Law, Faculty of Law, Nijmegen University, in 1977 (with distinction). - Doctoral exam in Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy.
Prof Arie Trouwborst
Extraordinary Associate Professor +31(0)134668704 a.trouwborst@tilburguniversity.edu The Netherlands, 2001-2006 Utrecht University: PhD (June 2006), 2000 Universidad de Granada (Spain): LLM thesis 1998 University of Lapland;1997 Justus Liebig Universität (Germany); 1993-2000 Utrecht University LLM and LLB
Prof Elmien du Plessis
Extraordinary Professor +27 18 285 2611 Elmien.duplessis@nwu.ac.za Building F5, Office 102B, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom BA (International Studies); LLB; LLD (Stellenbosch). Expropriation law, Constitutional Property Law, Customary Law, Traditional Knowledge, Commons.
Prof Willemien du Plessis
Extraordinary Professor +27 18 299 1969 Willemien.duPlessis@nwu.ac.za Building F5, Office G10, Potchefstroom Campus , Potchefstroom BJur (PU for CHE); LLB (PU for CHE); LLD (PU for CHE); MA in Environmental Management (cum laude) PU for CHE) Environmental Law; Legal History; Land Law; Legal Pluralism
Prof Jonathan Verschuuren
Extraordinary Professor j.m.verschuuren@uvt.nl MA/Environmental law; PHD/The constitutional right to a healthy environment. Constitutional and administrative law.
Dr Nathan John Cooper
Extraordinary Professor nathan.cooper@waikato.ac.nz Te Piringa – Faculty of Law, University of Waikato, Aotearoa New Zealand, LLB (Sheffield, UK); MA (Sheffield UK) PhD (Shelffield UK) Internationalisation lead
Prof Susan Bouillon
Extraordinary Associate Professor susan@delacon.co.za Ronin Place 101 Karin Avenue Doringkloof Centurion 0157, B. Juris (1994); LL.B (1997); LL.M (1999); LL.D (2004); (Planning Law) (PU for CHE)(University of North West).. Planning Legislation, Development Planning Legislation, Constitutional Legislation and Municipal Legislation; Compilation of Legal Opinions and Interpretation; Municipal Tribunals; Land Use Management; Town Planning Matters; Integrated Development.
Prof Anél du Plessis
Extraordinary Professor Anel.duPlessis@nwu.ac.za BA Law, LLB, LLM, LLD Environmental Law, Local Government Law, Constitutional Law, Environmental Rights, Environmental Governance, Human Rights Law, Administrative Law.Extraordinary Senior Lecturers
Dr Andrew Blackmore
Extraordinary Senior Lecturer +27 33 845 1356 Andy.Blackmore@kznwildlife.com Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, Academic QualificationsPhD (Environmental Law) – the University of Tilburg, The Netherlands (2018).
Diploma – Multilateral Environmental Agreements University of Finland (2011).
Master of Laws (Environmental Law) cum laude University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg (2005).
Master of Science – Ecology University of the Witwatersrand (1992).
Bachelor of Science (Honours) University of the Witwatersrand (1987).
Bachelor of Science University of the Witwatersrand (1986).

Dr Kolapo Omidire
Extraordinary Senior Lecturer kbomidire@yahoo.com LLB, LLM (Ife), LLM (Wits), LLD (Potch), ACII Law of Corporate Management and Finance, International Environmental Law, International Human Rights Law, Energy Law, Law and Policy.
Adv Marius Oosthuizen
Extraordinary Senior Lector 012 111 0436 m.oosthuizen@advchambers.co.za Mining Law
Mrs Tharien van der Walt
Extraordinary Senior Lecturer vanderwalt@univen.ac.za NWU, B-Proc UNISA .LLB UNISA. Management of International Criminal Prosecutions University of PretoriaExtraordinary Research Fellows

Dr Rongedzayi Fambasayi
Extraordinary Research Fellow rongedzayi@gmail.com PhD, NWU (2023); LLM International Child Law NWU (2016); Pg Dip: Child Sensitive Social Policies Women’s UNISA (2015)Bachelor of Laws Honours degree University of Zimbabwe (2012)

Adv Saleem Seedat
Extraordinary Research Fellow '0825854595 saleem.s@mweb.co.za Lenasia, Johannesburg, Potchefstroom BCom(University of Durban-Westville); BCom Hons(Unisa) LLB and LLM(Wits) Labour Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Sports Law, Contracts
Dr Sarah-Anne J Selier
Extraordinary Research Fellow j.selier@sanbi.org.za Meyerspark, Pretoria South Africa,
Dr Sejako J Senatle SC
Extraordinary Research Fellow 0832647522 Sejako.Senatle@gmail.com Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom BJuris (Unibo) 1990; LLB (UNW) 1994; LLM (UN)1998; LLD (PU For CHE) 2003 Public Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Labour Law, Civil Law,Alternative Dispute Resolution.