Justice in Practice


Project Leaders

  Prof Natasha Ravyse

  Assosiate Professor
  016 910 3510
  Building A16, Office G01, Vanderbijlpark Campus, Vanderbijlpark
  PhD in Linguistics and Literary Theory
  language and social identity; language vitality; sub-cultural language vitality; Fanagalo; sub-cultural languages

  Mr Ramokgadi Nkhumise

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2067
  Building A14, Office 117, Mahikeng Campus, Mafikeng
  B.IURIS; LLB; LLM-Specialisation in Labour Law (UNISA); Certificate Programme in Advanced Labour Law; Certificate Programme in Advanced Corporate Law and Securities; Law (UNISA-Centre for Business Law).
  Specialisation in Labour Law, Law of Delict, Law of Damages, Third Party Compensation Law and Insurance Law and Specific Contracts.


  Adv Justice Khoza

  +2718 389 2522
  Law of Property, Contract Law, Moot Court

  Prof Elmien du Plessis

  Extraordinary Professor
  +27 18 285 2611
  Expropriation law, Constitutional Property Law, Customary Law, Traditional Knowledge, Commons.

  Mr Kagiso Masilo

  Senior Lector and Director Undergraduate Studies
  +27 16 910 3633
  Labour Law; Aspects of Human Rights; Family Law; Aspects of Medical Law; Governance and Procurement Law; Aspects of Administrative Law

  Ms René Koraan

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 4287
   Criminal Law

  Adv Steven Serumaga-Zake

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 16 910 3540
  International Law and Human Rights.

  Mr Tjaart Viljoen

  +27 18 389 2181
  Lecturing in Law of Procedure and Evidence; Practicing Attorney and Registered Debt Councillor .

  Mr Ngwako I Raboshakga

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1956
  LLB (WITS) 2006; LLM (WITS) 2009

  Prof Avitus Agbor

  Research Professor
  +27 18 389 2202
  Public International Law; International Criminal Law; International Human Rights Law; Criminal Law; Public Law

  Dr Braam Klaasen

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 2125
   Legal Practice, Indigenous Law and Criminal and Civil Litigation.

  Mr Alex Nair

  Senior Lecturer
  018 285 2614
  Labour Law, Family Law and Clinical Legal Education

  Dr Motlatjo Ntatamala

  018 389 2120
  Language in Legal Context.

  Mr Patrick Mogale

  +27 18 389 2392
  Criminal Law, Civil Procedure, Administration of Deceased Estates and Socio-Economic rights