Dr Paola Villavicencio het die "Beste Aanbiedingsprys" ontvang vir haar referaat gelewer tydens die 5de Jaarlikse NWU Postdoc Konferensie wat op 2 Augustus 2017 by die Sport Village, Potchefstroomkampus gehou is. Die geleentheid is georganiseer deur die Na-doktorale Komitee van die Potchefstroomkampus en ondersteun deur die kantoor van die Viserektor: Navorsing en Beplanning en die Internasionale Kantoor.
Die aanbieding getiteld "The challenge to take rights of nature seriously in Bolivia" analysed the recognition and evolution of the Rights of Nature in Bolivia and the challenges of the enforcement of these rights in that country. The Bolivian experience of granting rights to nature, together with its strengths and limitations, provides some lessons that may serve as an example to other countries worldwide for a paradigm shift from antropocentrism to ecocentrism".