LLB (UL) 2017, LLM(UL) 2020
Katlego Mashiane is hardwerkende akademikus en geregistreer vir LLD aan die Universiteit van Limpopo. Hy het sedert 2019 as regsadviseur, kandidaatprokureur, regsassistent, studenteassistent, regsnavorsingsassistent, Tutor gewerk. Hy het verskeie regsartikels in geakkrediteerde joernale gepubliseer.
Katlego Mashiane and Kola O. Odeku (2020). A critical legal perspective on the context and content of the right to access to adequate housing in South Africa, Juridical Tribune, 10:103-134. Katlego Mashiane and Kola O. Odeku (2021). Transformative Interventions Fostering the right to access to Adequate Housing in South Africa. African Journal of Development Studies, Special Issue, pp. 267-289. Katlego Mashiane and Kola O. Odeku (2021). Analysis Of The Impediments To The Realisation Of The Right To Access To Adequate Housing In South Africa. Journal of Social Development in Africa, 36(1):149-176.