LLB (UJ) 2005; LLM (NWU) 2007.
Recent Publications International publications: Lubbe WD and Barnard M “Climate change as a common concern: Challenges and opportunities for lawmaking in SADC” in SADC Law Journal 2012 Lubbe WD “Peace parks and transfrontier conservation of biodiversity in Southern Africa” in Kotze LJ and Marauhn T (eds) Transboundary governance of biodiversity Brill Martinus Nijhoff 2014 Lubbe WD “Status quo of the enabling legal and policy framework” in Zunckel K (ed) SADC TFCA Guidelines: The establishment and development of TFCA initiatives between SADC Member States SADC FANR 2014 Lubbe WD and Barnard M “Sustainable development of SADC’s watercourses: The Incomati River Basin Agreement of 2002“ in Scholtz W and Verschuuren J (eds) Regional Environmental Law: Transregional comparative lessons in pursuit of sustainable development Edward Elgar Publishing 2015 Lubbe WD “Conservation in Africa: legal perspectives” The Conversation Africa 2015 Lubbe WD “Poaching prompts a review of Africa’s transfrontier parks” The Conversation Africa 2015.