Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal
eISSN 1727-3781
2015 Volume 18 Number 5 Special Edition
11 December 2015
Index |
Vanaf die Dekaan / From the Dean
Die Fakulteit Regte is nou halfpad na ʼn honderdjarige. Weens haar ouderdom is sy diep begrond en strek haar takke en vrugte wyd. Ten spyte van haar ouderdom is sy egter steeds speels met baie planne en vol entoesiasme vir die toekoms. Ons is dankbaar dat ons hierdie mylpaal kon bereik, maar tyd is relatief en daar is immers die ou waarheid dat kosbare gedagtes ewig is en nooit oud sal word nie. Daar is talle gedagtes van ons vorige personeelkorpse verewig in joernale en boeke oor die afgelope 50 jaar en hierdie bundel bou daarop voort.
Dit is met groot genoegdoening dat hierdie feesbundel die lig sien onder die bekwame leiding van prof Leonie Stander. Die publikasie van hierdie bundel bied die geleentheid aan die Fakulteit om met die vrugte van ons huidige span navorsers te woeker (ingesluit ons jong opkomende kollegas en erkende navorsers) en sò ons trots in ons Fakulteit en mense vir die wye wêreld ten toon te stel. Ek vertrou dat u die verskeidenheid onderwerpe en invalshoeke met waardering sal geniet en bedank graag al die outeurs, evalueerders en, in besonder, die redakteur.
Prof Nicola Smit (Dekaan)
The Faculty of Law is halfway in her journey to becoming a centenarian. Her age ensures that she is a well-grounded and well-respected dame with the fruits of her labour stretching far and wide. Yet, despite her age, she is still sprightly and filled with enthusiasm for the future. We are grateful that she could reach this milestone, but time, like so many things, is relative and the ancient truth remains that precious thoughts are everlasting and will never decay, diminish or grow old. The thoughts and ideas of our previous staff members have been immortalised in journals, books and publications during the past 50 years, and this collection builds on this fine tradition.
Prof Leonie Stander’s able guidance has led to the publication of this commemorative edition. This edition offers the faculty the opportunity to showcase the talents of our current researchers (both our seasoned researchers as well as our budding young researchers). I trust that you will appreciate and enjoy the wide variety of topics and different approaches that this collection exhibits. I would like to thank the various authors, evaluators, and, in particular, the editor, for their hard work and dedication.
Prof Nicola Smit (Dean)
Meer oor die Outeurs / About the Authors
Special Edition Editor
Prof Leonie Stander