PER 2015(18)5
Feesuitgawe 50 jarige fees / Festival Issue 50 year
Meer oor die Outeurs / About the Authors
Prof JD (Johan) van der Vyver word allerweë beskou as een van die mees invloedryke akademici wat ooit by die geledere van die Fakulteit aangesluit het. Hy verwerf die grade B Comm LLB BA (Hons) (PU vir CHO) LLD (UP) LLD (Honoris Causa) (U Zululand) LLD (Honoris Causa) (PU vir CHO). Hy was dekaan van hierdie fakulteit van 1972 tot 1974. In 1995 is prof Van der Vyver as IT Cohen Professor in Internasionale Reg en Menseregte aan Emory Universiteit, Atlanta, VSA, aangestel en is steeds daar verbonde. Hy is tans ook Buitengewone Professor in die Departement Privaatreg, Universiteit Pretoria.
Prof JD (Johan) van der Vyver is widely regarded as one of the most influential academics that ever joined the ranks of the Faculty. He obtained the degrees B Comm LLB BA (Hons) (PU for CHE) LLD (UP) LLD (Honoris Causa) (U Zululand) LLD (Honoris Causa) (PU for CHE). He was Dean of this Faculty from 1972 to 1974. Prof Van der Vyver was appointed as IT Cohen Professor in International Law and Human Rights at Emory University, Atlanta, USA in 1995 and is still affiliated to this institution.. He is also Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Private Law, University of Pretoria.
Nog ʼn invloedryke alumnus en akademikus van die Fakulteit is prof Lourens du Plessis. Toe hy op 31 Desember 2014 geëmeriteer het, was hy die eerste navorsingsprofessor aan die fakulteit. Hy was tussen 1 Januarie 1988 en 31 Julie 2011 professor in Publiekreg aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en voor dit, vanaf 1973, agtereenvolgend lektor, senior lektor en professor in die Departement Regsfilosofie aan die Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroom. Hy is ’n regsfilosoof wat in sy navorsing in vraagstukke ivm wets- en grondwetsvertolking spesialiseer. Uit sy vrugbare skrywerspen het verskeie boeke vir die vakspesialis, hoofstukke in akademiese boeke, navorsingsartikels asook artikels in die populêre pers verskyn. Hy was ’n uitgesproke kritikus van die apartheidsregime en was aktief betrokke by grondwetlike onderhandelinge, onder meer as voorsitter van die tegniese komitee wat die opstel van Suid-Afrika se eerste menseregtehandves gefasiliteer het.
Another influential alumnus and academic of the Faculty is Prof Lourens du Plessis. He retired on 31 December 2014 as the first research professor of the faculty. He took up the position of research professor at the Faculty of Law, North-West University, Potchefstroom on 1 Augustus 2011 . From 1 January 1988 until 31 July 2011 he was professor of Public Law at the University of Stellenbosch.t, In 1973 he joined Department of Jurisprudence at the North-West University, Potchefstroom, and progressed from lecturer to senior lecturer and then ultimately professor. y . He is a legal philosopher who, in his research, specialises in issues of statutory and constitutional interpretation. He is a prolific writer and has authored various academic books,, chapters in academic publications, research articles, as well as articles in the press.t. As an outspoken critic of the apartheid regime he played a prominent role in facilitating and debating constitutional transition.
Prof Leonie Stander is sedert 1980 aan die Fakulteit Regte van die Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom Kampus) verbonde. Sy doseer en publiseer hoofsaaklik op die gebied van die insolvensiereg en versekeringsreg. 60 van haar artikels, vonnisbesprekings en aantekeninge is reeds in verskeie geakkrediteerde regstydskrifte gepubliseer. Sy het bydraes tot 3 wetenskaplike boeke en 18 voordragte op nasionale sowel as internasionale konferensies gelewer.
Prof Leonie Stander was appointed at the Faculty of Law of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) in 1980. She teaches and publishes mainly in Insolvency Law and Insurance Law. Sixty of her articles, case comments and notes have been published in various accredited law journals. She has contributed to three scientific books and delivered 18 papers at national and international conferences.
Prof Willemien du Plessis is sedert 1984 aan die Fakulteit Regte (Noordwes-Universiteit) verbonde. Sy het op verskeie gebiede gedoseer, nasionale en internasionale voordragte gelewer en gepubliseer deur die jare, naamlik Omgewingsreg, Grondreg, Regspluralisme en Regsgeskiedenis. Haar navorsing fokus deesdae op Omgewingsreg. Sy is tans die Fakulteit se Direkteur van die Navorsingseenheid: Ontwikkeling in die Suid-Afrikaanse Regstaat.
Prof Willemien du Plessis joined the Faculty of Law (North-West University) in 1984. She has taught extensively, presented national and international papers and published on several aspects of law, namely Environmental Law, Land law, Legal Pluralism and Legal History. Her main focus of research is currently in the field of Environmental Law. She currently serves as the Director of the Faculty's Research Unit: Development in the South African Constitutional State.
Prof Gerrit Pienaar was vanaf 1979 tot en met sy aftrede in 2014 aan die Fakulteit Regte van die NWU (Potchefstroom) verbonde. By sy aftrede was hy Direkteur Nagraadse Programme. Hy is tans a navorsingsgenoot van dieselfde Fakulteit. Hy het 74 tydskrifartikels in geakkkediteerde regstydskrifte gepubliseer, en was outeur of mede-outeur van 9 handboeke en monografieë oor Sakereg, Verrykingsreg en Grondregistrasie. Hy is 'n mede-redakteur van die reeks monografieë Juta's Property Law Library.
Prof Gerrit Pienaar joined the Faculty of Law, NWU (Potchefstroom) as lecturer in 1979 and served the Faculty until his retirement in 2014, when he retired as the Director of Post-graduate Programmes. He is at present a research associate at the Faculty. He has published 74 articles in accredited law journals, and is the author or co-author of 9 textbooks and monographs on Property Law, Law of Enrichment and Land Registration Law. He is also co-editor of the series of monographs Juta's Property Law Library.
Prof Gerrit Ferreira verwerf die kwalifikasies B Iuris, LLB (PU vir CHO); LLM (RAU); LLD (UNISA); LLD (PU vir CHO) en is sedert 1976 as dosent verbonde aan die Fakulteit Regte van die eertydse PU vir CHO, tans die Potchefstroomkampus van die Noordwes-Universiteit. Sy doseer- en navorsingsaktiwiteite fokus op menseregte en internasionale reg.
Prof Gerrit Ferreira obtained the qualifications B Iuris, LLB (PU for CHE); LLM (RAU); LLD (UNISA); LLD (PU for CHE) and i has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the former PU for CHE, currently the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University, since 1976.. His teaching and research activities focus on human rights and international law.
Prof Robbie Robinson in 1982 in Regsfakulteit van die toenmalige Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys aangestel. Hy doseer hoofsaaklik Familiereg, Personereg en Ongeregverdigde Verrykingsreg. Sy publikasies het hoofsaaklik op Familiereg, die Reg aangaande Kinders en aspekte van Staatsreg betrekking. Hy is tans 'n vise-president van die International Society of Family Law.
Prof Robbie Robinson was appointed at the Faculty of Law of the then Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education in 1982. He mainly lectures Family Law, Law of Persons and Law of Unjustified Enrichment, while most of his publications relate to Family Law, the law pertaining to children and aspects of Constitutional Law. He is currently a vice-president of the International Society of Family Law.
Prof Christa Rautenbach was vir 14 jaar by die Departement Justisie werksaam voordat sy in 1994 by die Fakulteit Regte, Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom Kampus) aangesluit het. Sy doseer en publiseer wêreldwyd op die gebied van die erfreg, regspluralisme, kulturele verskeidenheid en doen empiriese navorsing oor die Konstitusionele Hof se verwysing na internasionale regspraak. Sy lewer ook gereeld voordragte op hierdie gebiede by nasionale en internasionale kongresse. Sy dien op die redaksie van PER sedert 2003 en is tans die hoofredakteur.
Prof Christa Rautenbach was employed by the Department of Justice for a period of 14 years before she became a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus). She lectures and publishes internationally in the areas of the Law of Succession, Legal Pluralism, Cultural Diversity and does empirical research on the Constitutional Court's use of foreign precedents. She regularly does presentations in these areas at national and international conferences. She is part of the editorial team of PELJ since 2003 and is currently the editor-in-chief.
Prof Sarel du Toit is sedert middel 2012 aan die fakulteit verbonde, nadat hy die stad vir Potchefstroom verruil het. Hy doseer Bankreg en Maatskappyereg aan LLB-studente, en sy belangstellingsvelde is die Bankreg en finansiële reg.
Prof Sarel du Toit is attached to the faculty since the middle of 2012, after exchanging the city for Potchefstroom. He lectures Banking Law and Company Law to LLB students, and his fields of interest are Banking Law and Financial Law.
Prof Stephen de la Harpe is sedert 2000 verbonde aan die fakulteit en beklee tans die pos Direkteur Nagraadse Studies. Sy hoof navorsingsveld is staatsverkryging (Public Procurement) en het hy al verskeie artikels oor die onderwerp gepubliseer. Hy doen ook navorsing oor Alternatiewe Geskilbeslegting en bied Internasionale Kommersiële Arbitrasie op nagraadse vlak aan.
Prof Stephen de la Harpe joined the faculty during 2000 and is at present the Director Postgraduate Studies. His main area of research is public procurement and he has published a number of articles on the subject. He also does research on Alternative Dispute Resolution and teaches a postgraduate course on International Commercial Arbitration.
Prof Anél du Plessis spesialiseer in die kombinasie van omgewingsreg en plaaslike owerheidsreg in Suid-Afrika en het reeds wyd rondom hierdie tema gepubliseer. Verskeie nasionale en internasionale akademiese artikels, boekhoofstukke en geredigeerde boeke het die afgelope 12 jaar uit haar pen verskyn. Prof du Plessis is 'n NRF gegradeerde navorser en lid van die South African Young Academy of Science. Sy is die programleier vir die NWU se LLM in Omgewingsreg- en Regering en vakhoof vir Publiekreg. Prof du Plessis dien sedert 2006 op die Sekretariaat van die Omgewingsregvereniging van Suid-Afrika.
Prof Anél du Plessis specialises in the combination of Environmental and Local Government Law in South Africa. She is widely published in this field and various national and international scholarly articles, book chapters and edited books appeared from her pen during the past twelve years. Prof du Plessis is an NRF rated researcher and member of the South African Young Academy of Science. She is the programme leader of the NWU LLM Programme in Environmental Law and Governance and subject head for Public Law. Prof du Plessis serves on the Secretariat of the Environmental Law Association of South Africa since 2006.
Prof Pieter du Toit doseer en publiseer hoofsaaklik op die gebied van die Strafprosesreg. Hy is medeskrywer van Law Lifeline: Law of Criminal Procedure (LexisNexis 2010) en is op die paneel van gereelde bydraers tot die vonnisbesprekings van ontwikkelinge in die Strafprosesreg in die South African Journal of Criminal Justice.
Prof Pieter du Toit teaches and publishes in the field of Criminal Procedure. He is co-author of Law Lifeline: Law of Criminal Procedure (LexisNexis 2010) and is a f regular contributor to the case discussions of developments in the field of Criminal Procedure in the South African Journal of Criminal Justice.
Prof Wian Erlank is sedert 2011 aan die Fakulteit Regte van die Potchefstroom Kampus van Noordwes Universiteit verbonde. Hy doseer hoofsaaklik sakereg, maar het in die verlede al ook grondhervorming, regs-skryfskool, navorsings metodologie, inleiding tot die reg, en klassieke regskultuur gedoseer. Sy navorsingsgebied (tesame met die van sy nagraadse studente) behels onder andere ruimtereg, virtuele goedere reg, sosiale media reg en IT reg. Hy is 'n raadslid van onder andere die Young Property Lawyer's Forum en die Association for Law Property and Society wat beide internasionaal hoogs aangeskrewe is. Hy het al in verskeie boeke, joernale en geakkrediteerde regstydskrifte gepubliseer en lewer gereelde referate op internasionale en nasionale konferensies.
Prof Wian Erlank has been associated with the law faculty of the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University since 2011. He mainly teaches Property Law, but in the past has taught (amongst others) Land Reform, Legal Writing, Research Methodology, Introduction to the Law, and Classical Legal Culture. His research interests (together with that of his post-graduate students) comprise of Property Law, Space Law, Virtual Property, Social Media Law and IT law. He is a board member of the Young Property Lawyers' Forum and the Association for Law, Property and Society - both of which are highly regarded internationally. He has published in various books, journals and accredited legal journals and regularly presents papers at some of the most=renowned national and international conferences.
Prof Elmien du Plessis is sedert 2014 aan die Fakulteit Regte van die Noordwes-Universiteit verbonde. Haar navorsingsbelangstelling lê in grondhervorming, gemeenskapsregte en omgewingsreg.
Prof Elmien du Plessis has been part of the Law Faculty, Northwest University since 2014. Her research interests are Land Reform, Community Rights and Environmental Law.
Prof Monray Marsellus Botha is sedert 2013 aan die Fakulteit Regte van die Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom Kampus) verbonde. Hy doseer nie net op die gebied van die arbeidsreg nie maar ook op ander gebiede soos besondere kontrakte, kontraktereg en kommersiële reg en besigheidsreg. Sy navorsingsfokus is hoofsaaklik op die gebied van arbeidsreg maar hy publiseer ook op interaksie tussen arbeids- en maatskappyreg waaronder aspekte van korporatiewe bestuur en korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordbaarheid aangeraak word. Monray Marsellus Botha het tot op hede die outeur van 23 geakkrediteerde artikels, vonnisbesprekings en aantekeninge.
Prof Monray Marsellus Botha has been affiliated tot the Faculty of Law of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) since 2013.. He does not only lecture on the field of Labour Law but also on other areas such as Specific Contracts, Law of contracts and Commercial and Business law. His research focuses mainly on the field of labour Law. However, his publications also deal with the interaction between Labour and Company Law where aspects of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility are also explored. Monray Marsellus Botha has authored 23 accredited articles, case discussions and notes.
Prof JP Coetzee is sedert 2005 verbonde aan die Fakulteit Regte van die Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom Kampus), eers as deeltydse dosent en later as Buitengewone Professor. Hy doseer op deeltydse basis Boedelreg en Inkomstebelastingreg aan die M Studente in Boedelreg. Hy praktiseer reeds meer as 35 jaar voltyds as Prokureur, Boedelberedderaar en Belastingpraktisyn en spesialiseer die afgelope sowat 30 jaar in Boedel- en Inkomstebelastingbeplanning.
Prof. JP Coetzee has been affiliated to the Faculty of Law of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) since 2005, first as a part-time lecturer and later as Professor Extraordinary. He lectures Estate Law and Tax Law to the LLM Students (Estate Law) on a temporary basis. He has practiced full-time for more than 35 years as Attorney, Administrator of Estates and Tax Practitioner and has specialized for the past 30 years in Estate and Tax Planning.
Dr Anél Gildenhuys is 'n senior dosent verbonde aan die Fakulteit Regte, Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroomkampus). Sy bied Kontemporêre Grondslae van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg sowel as Verrykingsreg vir voorgraadse studente en Navorsingsmetodologie vir nagraadse studente aan. Sy het die doktorale graad LLD gedurende 2012 ontvang na die suksesvolle voltooiing van die proefskrif Voedselsekerheid as ontwikkelingsdoelwit in Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing: 'n menseregte gebaseerde benadering. Dr Gildenhuys publiseer hoofsaaklik op die gebied van grondhervorming, die reg op toegang tot voedsel en voedselsekerheid. Haar navorsing is reeds by verskeie nasionale en internasionale konferensies aangebied.
Dr Anél Gildenhuys is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law, North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus). She teaches Contemporary Foundations of the South African Law as well as Enrichment Law for undergraduate students and Research Methodology for post-graduate students. She received the doctoral degree LLD ing 2012 after successful completion of the thesis Voedselsekerheid as ontwikkelingsdoelwit in Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing: ‘n menseregte gebaseerde benadering (“Food security as development goal in South African legislation: a human rights-based approach”). Dr Gildenhuys has published on land reform as well as the right to have access to sufficient food and food security. She has presented her research at various national and international conferences.
Anje Vorster is sedert 2007 aan die Fakulteit Regte van die Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom Kampus) verbonde. Sy doseer hoofsaaklik op die gebied van ondernemingsreg, erfreg- en boedelbereddering. Sy is ook betrokke op nagraadse vlak en het ook nasionaal sowel as internasionaal bydraes tot kongresse gelewer.
Anje Vorster has been associated with the Faculty of Law of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) since 2007. She lectures mainly in the fields of Commercial Law, Law of Succession and Deceased Estates. She is also involved at a postgraduate level and has contributed to both national and international conferences.
Michael Laubscher is sedert 2013 aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom Kampus) verbonde. Hy doseer Taalvaardighede in 'n Regskonteks, n module wat van eerstejaarsvlak tot derdejaarsvlak aangebied word. Die verhouding en wisselwerking tussen die taal en die reg interesseer hom en hy is ook betrokke by Onderwysreg en Mediasie.
Michael Laubscher joined the Faculty of Law of the Northwest University (Potchefstroom Campus) in 2013. He lectures Language Skills within a Legal Context which is presented from first year level through to third year level. The relationship and interaction between language and the law interests him, and he is also involved in Education Law and Mediation.
Abraham (Braam) Klaasen is in 2009 aangestel as Lektor by die Fakulteit Regte, Noord Wes Universiteit (Potchefstroom). Hy is ʼn toegelate prokureur wat spesialiseer in konstitusionele reg, siviele prosesreg en regspraktyk.
Abraham (Braam) Klaasen was appointed as lecturer at the Law Faculty, North West University (Potchefstroom) in 2009. He is an admitted attorney specialising in the area of ConstitutionalLlaw, Civil Procedure and Legal Practice.
Adv. René Koraan is sedert 2009 aan die Fakulteit Regte van die Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom Kampus) verbonde. Sy doseer in strafreg en het 6 voordragte op nasionale sowel as internasionale kongresse gelewer.
Adv. René Koraan joined the Faculty of Law of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus)in 2009. She teaches Criminal law and has presented six papers at national and international conferences.
Allison Geduld is 'n lektor aan die Fakulteit Regte van die Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom Kampus). Sy is tans 'n doktorale kandidaat. Sy doseer Regsfilosofie en etiek. Haar navorsingsbelangstellings sluit regsfilosofie, etiek en ontwikkelingsreg in."
Allison Geduld is a lecturer at the Law Faculty of the North-West University (Potchefstroom campus). She is currently a doctoral candidate. She teaches Jurisprudence and Ethics. Her research interests include jurisprudence, ethics and developmental law."
Myrone Christopher Stoffels is 'n Junior Lektor aan die Fakulteit Regte van die Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom Kampus). Hy beskik oor 'n Meestersgraad in Arbeidsreg en doseer tans Algemene Bewysreg. Hierdie is Myrone se eerste publikasie.
Myrone Christopher Stoffels is a Junior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus). He has a master's degree in Labour Law and currently teaches The Law of Evidence. This is Myrone's first publication.
Ronelle Prinsloo is sedert 2009 aan die Vaal University of Technology verbonde. Sy doseer en publiseer hoofsaaklik op die gebied van die familiereg. Sy het 5 voordragte op nasionale sowel as internasionale kongresse gelewer.
Ronelle Prinsloo has been involved with the Vaal University of Technology since 2009. She lectures and publishes mainly in the field of Family Law. She has presented five papers at national as well as international seminars.
Marike Kersop is sedert 2008 verbonde aan die NWU (Potchefstroomkampus) Fakulteit Regte. Sy voltooi haar LLB in 2012 en verwerf haar LLM (Invoer- en uitvoerreg) in 2015. Vanaf 2011 - 2014 is sy ook 'n tolk vir die NWU en tolk amper uitsluitlik vir die Fakulteit Regte. Marike is tans werksaam by die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag as 'n staatsaanklaer.
Marike Kersop has been involved with the Faculty of Law of the NWU (Potchefstroom Campus) since 2008. She completed her LLB in 2012 and obtained her LLM (Import and Export Law) in 2015. She has also been an interpreter (from 2011 to 2014) i at the NWU, mostly at the Faculty of Law. Marike is currently employed by the National Prosecuting Authority as a prosecutor.
Inge Snyman is 'n voltydse student en jong navorser verbonde aan die Fakulteit Regte van die Noordwes Universiteit (Potchefstroomkampus). Gedurende 2014 het sy haar gestruktureerde LLM in Omgewingsreg en -beheer voltooi. Sy is tans besig met haar LLD studie wat handel oor 'n regsperspektief aangaande die bekamping van onwettige aktiwiteite teenoor wilde diere.
Inge Snyman is a full time student and young researcher at the Faculty of Law of the North West University (Potchefstroom Campus). During 2014 she completed her structured LLM in Environmental law and -governance. She is currently busy with her LLD study which deals with a legal perspective on the combatting of illegal wildlife activities.
Adv Annamart Nieman is toegelaat as advokaat in 1996 en praktiseer nou vanaf haar kamers in Sandton. Haar praktyk is gefokus op sake met 'n inligtingstegnologie en/of kuber-forensiese onderbou. Voor haar pupilskap en toelating tot die Johannesburg balie, het sy vir meer as 16 jaar in die risikobestuur, forensiese en dispuut-resolusie omgewing gewerk, oa as 'n vennoot by Deloitte en as 'n senior lid van die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag. Sy het haar doktorsgraad in Elektroniese Getuienis verwerf aan die Noordwes-Universiteit in 2006 en doseer tans deeltyds by die Departement Ouditkunde aan die Universiteit van Pretoria.
Adv Annamart Nieman was admitted as an advocate in 1996 and now practises from her chambers in Sandton. Her practice focuses on matters with an information technology and/or cyber forensic twist. Prior to her pupillage and admission to the Johannesburg Bar, she worked in the risk management, forensic and dispute resolution environment for more than 16 years, inter alia as a partner in Deloitte and as a senior member of the National Prosecuting Authority. She obtained her doctorate degree in electronic evidence from the North-West University in 2006 and currently lectures on a part time basis at the Department of Auditing at the University of Pretoria.
Ifeoma Laura Owosuyi is sedert 2014 ‘n doktorale student en ‘n akademiese assistent by die Fakulteit Regte. Haar navorsingsbelangstellings sluit volhoubare ontwikkeling en kultuur, administrasie en konstitusionele reg in. Sy is ook ‘n geassosieerde lid van die Geoktrooieerde Sekretarisse van Suider-Afrika en vanaf 2007 ʼn prokureur van die Hooggeregshof van Nigerië.
Ifeoma Laura Owosuyi is a doctoral candidate and an academic assistant at the Faculty of Law since 2014. Her research interests include sustainable development and culture, governance, and Constitutional Law. She is also an Associate member of the Chartered Secretaries Southern Africa and a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria having been admitted to the Nigerian Bar in 2007.
Lennie (HS) Gouws het 'n Meestersgraad in Kommunikasiestudies. Onder die naam Lennie Gouws is sy die skrywer van twee boeke en medeskrywer van een oor plaaslike geskiedenis. Sy is ook 'n vryskutjoernalis, het talle artikels met 'n historiese tema geskryf en het verskeie bylaes oor die geskiedenis van Potchefstroom vir die Potchefstroom Herald saamgestel. Twee van haar artikels het in die tydskrif Weg!/Go! verskyn. 'n Boek oor die geskiedenis van Fakulteit Regte het in 2015 uit haar pen verskyn. Die artikel in PER spruit voort uit die navorsing hiervoor. Sy is tans besig met haar doktorsgraad in Geskiedenis.
Lennie (HS) Gouws holds a Master's degree in Communication Studies. As Lennie Gouws she has authored two books, and co-author another one on local history She is also a freelance journalist, has written numerous articles of a historical nature, and has compiled various historical supplements for the Potchefstroom Herald. Two of her articles have also appeared in Weg!/Go!. She has done research on the history of the Faculty of Law, which lead to the publication that details the history of the Faculty of Law at the NWU. The article in PELJ is a result of this research. She is currently enrolled for her doctoral degree in History.
Special Edition Editor
Prof Leonie Stander