BJuris (PU for CHE) LLB (PU for CHE) LLM (UNISA) 1985 LLD (PU for CHE) 1995
Prof. Leonie Stander is a professor at the North-West University. She holds the following degrees: B. Iuris (PU for CHE); LL.B (PU for CHE); LL.M (UNISA) and LL.D (PU for CHE).
Prof. Stander's field of research specialisation is primarily in the law of insolvency and, to a lesser degree, in insurance law. The topics of both her master's degree and doctorate dealt with insolvency law. Prof. Stander has published approximately 50 peer-reviewed articles, case notes and chronicles. In 2000 she received the award "Best first contribution in the Journal for Juridical Science" from the society "Die Vereniging van Moritz Bobbertz Penninghouers".
Prof. Stander has already delivered one doctoral student and thirty (30) master’s degree students. She is currently supervisor to another two doctorate and six master’s degree students. She also teaches two courses in the LLM degree in Import and Export Law.
Prof. Stander has participated in 18 national and international conferences, seminars, colloquia and workshops. She is currently involved in the following three projects: (1) Trade and Development (Insurance against the risk of loss or damage in the process of exporting); (2) Trade and Development (Cross-border insolvency); (3) Environmental Law and Development (The effect of sequestration/liquidation on claims for environmental damage).