Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal
ISSN (online) 1727-3781
Articles Index PER
- Aboriginal Customary Law: A Source of Common Law Title to Land 2018(21)
- Accountability in Extraterritoriality, a Comparative and International Law Perspective 2017(20)
- Accountability of Law Enforcement Personnel for Human Rights Violations in Cameroon: Trends and Challenges 2021(24)
- A Brief Overview of the Civil Union Act 2010(13)1
- A Case for Transnational Law in Contemporary Times 2020(23)
- A Commentary on the Positive Discrimination Policy of India 2009(12)1
- A Comparative Analysis of the Application of the 1951 Refugee Convention to Victims of Sexual Violence in South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda 2020(22)
- A Comparative Overview of the (Sometimes Uneasy) Relationship between Digital Information and Certain Legal Fields in South Africa and Uganda 2014(17)1
- A Contextual Analysis of the Hate Speech Provisions of the Equality Act 2015(18)4
- A Critical Analysis of the Majority Judgment in F v Minister of Safety and Security 2012 1 SA 536 (CC) 2014(17)6
- A Critical Analysis of the New Equal Pay Provisions Relating to Atypical Employees in Sections 198A-198D of the LRA: Important Lessons from the United Kingdom 2017(20)
- A Critical Appraisal of the Juvenile Justice System under Cameroon's 2005 Criminal Procedure Code: Emerging Challenges 2012(15)1
- A Critical Assessment of The Minimum Age Convention 138 of 1973 and The Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention 182 of 1999 2013(16)5
- A Critical Investigation of the Relevance and Potential of IDPS as a Local Governance Instrument for Pursuing Social Justice in South Africa 2013(16)5
- A Critique of the Key Legislative Framework guiding Civil Liberties in Zimbabwe 2012(15)4
- A Critique of the Unemployment Insurance Amendment Bill, 2015 2015(18)7
- A Dance or a Marriage? The Relationship between Education and the Law in South Africa Some Personal Observations from Two Vantage Points 2015(18)6
- A Disgrace to the Master Race: Colonial Discourse Surrounding the Incarceration of "European" Prisoners within the Colony of Natal towards the End of the Nineteenth and Beginning of the 20th Centuries 2017(20)
- A Duty Perspective on the Hate Speech Prohibition in the Equality Act 2021(24)
- A Duty of Support for All South African Unmarried Intimate Partners Part I 2018(21)
- A Duty of Support for All South African Unmarried Intimate Partners Part 2 2018(21)
- A Few South African Cents' Worth on Bitcoin 2015(18)5
- A Fresh Perspective on Historical Sexual Abuse: The Case of Hewitt v S 2017 1 SACR 309 (SCA) 2017(20)
- A Future for the Doctrine of Substantive Legitimate Expectation? The Implications of Kwazulu-Natal Joint Liaison Committee v Mec for Education, Kwazulu Natal 2015(18)1
- A Future Perspective on Constitutional Stability 2010(13)2
- A General Legislative Analysis of "Torture" as a Human Rights Violation in Zimbabwe 2017(20)
- Afriforum v Malema: The Limits of Law and Complexity 2014(17)6
- A Historical Overview of the Regulation of Market Abuse in South Africa 2014(17)3
- A Legal Analysis of the Use of Innovative Technology in the Promotion of Financial Inclusion for Low-Income Earners in South Africa 2021(24)
- A Legal Perspective on Social Media Use and Employment: Lessons for South African Educators 2019(21)
- A Liberal Actor in a Realist World: The European Union Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy 2017(20)
- An Analysis of the Implementation of the CaseLines System in South African Courts in the Light of the Provisions of Section 27 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002: A Beautiful Dream to Come True in Civil Procedure 2021(24)
- A New Look at the Old Problem of a Reasonable Expectation: The Reasonableness of Repeated Renewals of Fixed-Term Contracts as Opposed to Indefinite Employment 2011(14)1
- A Non-Member Spouse's Entitlement to the Member's Pension Interest 2014(17)6
- A Note on Sentencing Practices for the Offence of the Unlawful Possession of Semi-Automatic Firearms 2020(23)
- A Note on the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of Lesotho 2021(24)
- A Panoramic View of the Social Security and Social Protection Provisioning in Lesotho 2014(17)4
- A Pluralist Approach to the Law of International Sales 2017(20)
- A Return to the Manifest Justice Principle: A Critical Examination of the "Reasonable Suspicion/Apprehension of Bias" and "Real Possibility of Bias" Tests for Judicial Bias in South Africa and England 2004(7)2
- A Spring without Water: The Conundrum of Anti-Dumping Duties in South African Law 2016(19)
- A Targeted Outsider's Right to Challenge Local Winding-Up Proceedings Pricewaterhousecoopers V Saad Investments Co Ltd 2014 UKPC 35 (10 November 2014), 2014 1 Wlr 4482 (PC) 2016(19)
- Apartheid's Alcatraz: The Barberton Prison Complex During the Early 1980s - Part One 2015(18)2
- Apartheid's Alcatraz: The Barberton Prison Complex During the Early 1980s - Part Two 2015(18)2
- Application of Section 30 of the Restitution of Land Rights Act in the Courts: Some Guidelines 2017(20)
- Appropriate Internal Appeal Mechanisms for Approval of Building Plans: Exploring the Gaps Left by the Constitutional Court 2020(23)
- Arbitration of Family Separation Issues – A Useful Adjunct to Mediation and the Court Process 2014(17)6
- A Reply to Camilla Pickles' “Pregnancy Law in South Africa: Between Reproductive Autonomy and Foetal InterestS” 2022(25)
- A Selection of Constitutional Perspectives on Human Kidney Sales 2013(16)1
- A South African Perspective on Mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition in a Globalized World 2012(15)2
- A Very Long Engagement: The Children's Act 38 of 2005 and the 1993 Haque Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption 2009(12)1
- Aantekeninge oor die Wet op Huurbehuising 50 van 1999 2002(5)1
- Access to Education and Training: Pathway to Decent Work for Women 2011(14)7
- Accountability in Extraterritoriality, a Comparative and International Law Perspective 2017(20)
- Achieving "Decent Work" in South Africa? 2012(15)2
- Achieving Equity in the Fishing Industry: The Fate of Informal Fishers in the Context of The Policy for the Small-Scale Fisheries Sector in South Africa 2013(16)5
- Addressing the Spectre of Cyber Terrorism: A Comparative Perspective 2012(15)2
- Adjudicating Socio-Economic Rights – transforming South African Society: A Response to Linda Jansen Van Rensburg's paper 2003(6)2 (Special Edition)
- Administrative Bias in South Africa 2005(8)1
- African Indigenous Land Rights in a Private Ownership Paradigm 2011(14)7
- African Organic Product Standards for the African Continent? Prospects and Limitations 2018(21)
- African-Style Mediation and Western-Style Divorce and Family Mediation: Reflections for the South African Context 2012(15)5
- Against the New Constitutionalism
- Alignment of Student Discipline Design and Administration to Constitutional and National Law Imperatives in South Africa 2011(14
- Alternatives to Bankruptcy in South Africa that Provides for a Discharge of Debts: Lessons - Kenya 2019(22)
- Altering the Human Genome: Mapping the Genome Editing Regulatory System in South Africa 2021(21)
- An Analysis of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 2012(15)5
- An Analysis of the "National Security Interest" Provision in terms of Section 18A of the Competition Act 89 of 1998 2021(24) An Analysis of the "National Security Interest" Provision in terms of Section 18A of the Competition Act 89 of 1998 2021(24)
- An Analysis of the Regulatory Environment Governing Hearsay Electronic Evidence in South Africa: Suggestions for Reform – Part One 2018(21)
- An Analysis of the Regulatory Environment Governing Hearsay Electronic Evidence in South Africa: Suggestions for Reform – Part Two 2018(21)
- An Analysis of the Public Protector's Investigatory and Decision-Making Procedural Powers 2019(22)
- An Appraisal of the Functioning and Effectiveness of the East African Court of Justice 2018(21)
- An argument for South Africa's Accession to the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social And Cultural Rights in the Light of its Importance and Implications 2014(17)6
- An Embarrassment of Riches or a Profusion of Confusion: An Evaluation of the Continued Existence of the Civil Union Act 17 of 2006 in the Light of Prospective Domestic Partnerships Legislation in South Africa (2010(13)2
- An Employer's Recourse to Lock-Out and Replacement Labour: An Evaluation of Recent Case Law 2017(20)
- An Evaluation of the Self-Regulation of Promotional Competitions in South Africa 2016(19)
- Analysing and Comparing Warrantless Tax Inspections and Searches 2019(22)
- Analysing the Onus Issue in Dismissals emanating - the Enforcement of Unilateral Changes to Conditions of Employment 2011(14)7
- Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and the Effective use of Mobile Money in South Africa – Part 1 2015(18)5
- Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and the Effective Use of Mobile Money in South Africa – Part 2 2015(18)5
- Application of Section 30 of the Restitution of Land Rights Act in the Courts: Some Guidelines 2017(20)
- Appraisal of selected themes on the impact of international standards on labour and social security law in South Africa 2022(25)
- Arbitrary Deprivation of an Unregistered Credit Provider's Right to Claim Restitution of Performance Rendered: Opperman v Boonzaaier (24887/2010) 2012 ZAWCHC 27 (17 April 2012) and National Credit Regulator v Opperman 2013 2 SA 1 (CC)2013(16)4
- Are Close of Pleadings now Irrelevant? An Evaluation of the Impact the Nkala Judgment has on Litis Contestatio 2019 (22)
- Artikel 2(3) van die Wet op Testamente: 'n Praktiese Probleem by Litigasie 2008(11)3
- At the Intersection Between Expropriation Law and Administrative Law: Two Critical Views on the Constitutional Court's Arun Judgment 2016(19)
- Quo Vadis Patent Litigation: Ascendis Animal Health (Pty) Limited v Merck Sharpe Dohme Corporation 2020 1 SA 327 (CC) - In Search of the Bigger Picture on Patent Validity 2021(24)
- Attacks on the Judiciary: Undercurrents of a Political versus Legal Constitutionalism Dilemma? 2018(21)
- Authority by Representation – A New Form of Authority? 2016(19)
- Automated Facial Recognition in Law Enforcement: The Queen (On Application of Edward Bridges) v The Chief Constable of South Wales Police 2021(24)
- Automatically unfair and operational requirement dismissals: Making sense of the 2014 amendments 2016(19)
- Avoiding Mazibuko: Water Security and Constitutional Rights in Southern African Case Law 2015(18)4
- Baleni v Minister of Mineral Resources 2019 2 SA 453 (GP): Paving the Way for Formal Protection of Informal Land Rights 2020(23)
- Barriers to Advocacy and Litigation in the Equality Courts for Persons with Disabilities 2014(17)5
- Battered Women and the Requirement of Imminence in Self-Defence 2013(16)1
- Behoort die Saaklike Ooreenkoms aan Vormvereistes Onderwerp te word? 2008(11)3
- Bernard Bekink's Principles of South African Local Government Law 2006(9)3
- Between Economic and Legal Analysis of Incorporated Things: A Critical "NO" to Aedilitian Remedies 2006(9)2
- Between Norms and Facts: The Constitutional Court’s Commitment to Pluralism in South Africa’s Radically Heterogeneous Public Schools 2015(18)6
- Beyond Public Particpation: The Disjuncture between South Africa's Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Law and Sustainable Development 2008(11)3
- Beyond the Contours of Normally Acceptable Political Violence: Is Cameroon a Conflict/Transitional Society in the Offing? 2019(22)
- Beyond Sexual Binaries? The German Federal Constitutional Court and the Rights of Intersex People 2018(21)
- Biodiversity and Climate Change: Linkages at International, National and Local Levels 2013(16)4
- "Brexit": a Constitutional, Diplomatic and Democratic Crisis - A View: the Trenches 2016(19)
- Broadening the Legal Academy, the Study of Customary Law: The Case for Social-Scientific and Anthropological Perspectives 2017(20
- But is it Speech? Making Critical Sense of the Dominant Constitutional Discourse on Pornography, Morality and Harm under the Pervasive Influence of United States first Amendment Jurisprudence 2012(15)2
- By All Means Necessary: Protecting Civilians and Preventing Mass Atrocities in Africa 2020(23)
- Can an Emoji Be Considered as Defamation? A Legal Analysis of Burrows v Houda [2020] NSWDC 485 2021(24)
- Can Decentralisation contribute to Promoting Rule-of-Law Structures? The Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi as Examples 2012(15)2
- Can the Application of the Human Rights of the Child in a Criminal Case Result in a Therapeutic Outcome? 2010(13)3
- Can Traditional Knowledge be Effectively Covered under a Single "Umbrella"? 2010(13)4
- Case Law as an Authoritative Source of Customary Law: Piecemeal Recording of (Living) Customary Law? 2019(22)
- Cave Pecuniam: Lawyers as Launderers 2012(15)5
- Challenge and Opportunity: The ALI/III Global Principles Project 2008(11)1
- Change to a Skills-Based LLB Curriculum: A Qualitative Study of Participants in a Family Law Course 2017(20)
- Challenges confronting Health Care Workers in Government's ARV Rollout: Rights and Responsibilities 2012(15)2
- Challenges Surrounding the Adjudication of Women's Rights in Relation to Customary Law and Practices in Tanzania 2019(22)
- Challenges to the Prohibition on Sovereignty in Outer Space - A New Frontier for Space Governance 2021(24)
- Checks and Balances Reflections on the Development of the Doctrine of Separation of Powers under the South African Constitution 2005(8)1f
- "Child Divorce": A Break - Parental Responsibilities and Rights due to the Traditional Socio-Cultural Practices and Beliefs of the Parents 2012(15)1
- Children's Rights in the South African Constitution 2003(6)1
- Claiming Damages where Dividends remain unpaid: A Contribution towards a More Balanced Approach in South Africa 2017(20)
- Clearing a Path Towards Effective Alien Invasive Control: The Legal Conundrum 2006(9)1
- Clinical Legal Education Models: Recommended Assessment Regimes 2015(18)7
- Cloete Murray v Firstrand Bank Ltd T/A Wesbank [2015] ZASCA 39 (case note) 2015(18)5
- Comment on the Single Marriage Statute: Implications for Customary Marriages 2021(24)
- Commercial Appropriation of a Person's Image: Wells v Atoll Media (Pty) Ltd (Unreported 11961/2006) 2009 ZAWCHC 173 (9 November 2009) 2011(14)2
- Common Problems affecting Supranational Attempts in Africa: An Analytical Overview 2013(16)1
- Comparative Analysis of Access to Patented HIV/AIDS Pharmaceutical Medicines through the Canadian and EU TRIPS Flexibilities Measures: Are they Efficacious or Overly Burdensome and Ineffective Measures? 2012(15)2
- Compensation for what? An Analysis of the Outcome in Arun Property Development (pty) LTD V Cape Town City 2016(19)
- Competing Preferent Community Prospecting Rights: A Nonchalant Custodian? 2017(20)
- Competitive Legal Professionals' use of Technology in Legal Practice and Legal Research 2008 (11)4
- Compliance Notices – A New Tool in Environmental Enforcement 2006(9)3
- Concern Regarding the "Debt" Created by Rule 14.10.9 of the Government Employees' Pension Fund Rules 2016(19)
- Consequences for Non-Payment of PAYE and VAT Compared 2020(23)
- Conflicting Levels of Engagement under the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act and the Minerals and Petroleum Development Act: A Closer Look at the Xolobeni Community Dispute 2020(23)
- Constitutional Analysis of Intellectual Property 2014(17)1
- Constitutional Basis for the Enforcement of ''Executive'' Policies that give effect to Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa 2013(16)4
- Constitutional Interpretation according to First National Bank of SA Limited T/A Wesbank v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Services and another; First National Bank of SA Limited T/A Wesbank v Minister of Finance 2002 (7) Bclr 702 CC 2003(6)2 (Special Edition)
- Constitutional Law and International Law at the Turn of the Century 1998(1)1
- Constitutional Socio-Economic Rights and International Law: "You are not Alone" 2013(16)1
- Constitutionalising The Right Legal Representation at CCMA Arbitration Proceedings: Law Society of the Northern Provinces v Minister of Labour 2013 1 SA 468 (GNP)2013(16)4
- Constitutional Values, Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Legal Education in South Africa: Shaping Our Legal Order 2016(19)
- Contemporary Legal Issues in Electronic Commerce in Nigeria 2008(11)3
- Contentious Issues Arising - Payments made in Full and Final Settlement 2008(11)4
- "Contributory Intent" as a Defence Limiting Delictual Liability 2014(17)4
- Corporate Power, Human Rights and Urban Governance in South African Cities 2022(25)
- “Corrective Rape" of Lesbians in the Era of Transformative Constitutionalism in South Africa 2015(18)5
- Corruption and Corporate Governance in Namibia: An Analysis of the Strategic Approaches in the 4TH Industrial Revolution 2021(24)
- Court Supervised Institutional Transformation in South Africa 2015(18)7
- Creating a Servitude to solve an Encroachment Dispute: A Solution or creating another Problem? 2013(16)5
- Cross-Border Insolvency Law in Europe: Present Status and Future Prospects 2008 (11)1
- Crossborder Jurisdiction and Assistance in Insolvency: The Position in Malaysia and Singapore 2008(11)1
- Cultural Practices and HIV in South Arica: A Legal Perspective 2009(12)4
- Culture (and Religion) in Constitutional Adjudication 2003(6)1
- Culture, Tradition, Custom, Law and Gender Equality 2012(15)1
- Curriculum Decolonisation and Revisionist Pedagogy of African Customary Law 2019(22)
- Cyberbullying: Should Schools choose between Safety and Privacy? 2015(18)6
- Cryptocurrency: Towards Regulating the Unruly Enigma of Fintech in Nigeria and South Africa 2021(24)
- Damages Arising - Contraventions of Competition Act 89 of 1998 2019(22)
- Deadlock Principle as a Ground for Just and Equitable Winding Up of a Solvent Company: Thunder Cats Investments 92 (Pty) Ltd V Nkonjane Economic Prospecting Investment (Pty) Ltd 2014 5 SA 1 (SCA) 2016(19)
- Death of the Breadwinner and the Continuation of the Duty of Spousal Support: Discrepancies and Inequalities for Different Categories of Surviving Partner 2020(23)
- Defending the Absurd: The Iconoclast's Guide to Section 47(1) of the Superior Courts Act 10 of 2012 - 2014(17)5
- Defining Fairness in Dismissals of Unauthorised Foreign Nationals 2020(23)
- Demistifying Hate Speech under the PEPUDA 2020(23)
- Demystifying the Role of Copyright as a Tool for Economic Development in Africa: Tackling the Harsh Effects of the Transferability Principle in Copyright Law 2014(17)1
- De Nederlanse Casus: Een Politiek Gevecht om de Grondwetsherziening 1999(2)2
- De Periode 1795-1798: De Geboorte van Nederland als "Democratische" Eenheidsstaat 2005(8)1
- Decentralisation in Africa: A Critical Review of Uganda's Experience 2012(15)2
- Defamation on Facebook: Isparta v Richter 2013 6 SA 529 (GP) 2014(17)6
- Deference and Diffrance: Judicial Review and the Perfect Gift 2006(9)2
- Deliberating the Rule of Law and Constitutional Supremacy - the Perspective of the Factual Dimension of Law 2015(18)4
- Delictual Liability of the School Sports Coach – A Security Matter 2011(14)6
- Delinquent Directors under the Companies Act 71 of 2008: Gihwala v Grancy Property Limited 2016 ZASCA 35 2016(19)
- Delivery of the Compulsory Section 129(1) Notice as required by the National Credit Act of 2005 2018(21)
- Democratic Elections in a Global Context 2007(10)2
- Demographic and Social Factors Influencing Public Opinion on Prostitution: An Exploratory Study in Kwazulu-Natal Province, South Africa 2012(15)4
- Demystification of the Inquisitorial System 2011(14)5
- Deciphering the Composition of Section 79-Assessment Panels in the Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 4 of 2017 2017(20)
- Decolonisation and Teaching Law in Africa with Special Reference to Living Customary Law 2017(20)
- Der Einfluss und die Stellung des Volkerrechts in den Verfassungssystemen einiger Ost- und Mitteleuroperfassungssystemen Einiger Ost- und Mitteleuropischer Transformationsstaaten 2008(11)3
- Derivative Misconduct and Forms thereof: Western Refinery Ltd v Hlebela 2015 36 ILJ 2280 (LAC) 2016(19)
- Determining the True Reason for an Alleged Section 187(1)(c) Dismissal: A Discussion of National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Aveng Trident Steel (a Division of Aveng Africa (Pty) Ltd) (2021) 42 ILJ 67 (CC) , 2021(24)
- Defining the Urban Edge - A Guide to its Implementation for Sustainable Development 2022(25)
- Developing Countries and Copyright in the Information Age – The Functional Equivalent Implementation of the WCT 2006(9)2
- Developmental and Environmental Responsibilities of the "Rechtsstaat" 1999(2)1
- Determining the Effect (the Social Costs) of Exclusion under the South African Exclusionary Rule: Should Factual Guilt tilt the Scales in Favour of the Admission of Unconstitutionally Obtained Evidence? 2012(15)5
- Determining the Content of Indigenous Law with Special Reference to Recording of the Law - Continental Views 2019(22)
- Die Aard van Wetgewende Diskresies by die Suid-Afrikaanse Uitvoerende Gesag 2000(3)2
- Die Adversatiewe Stelsel van Bewyslewering en die Beste Belang van die Kind in Egskeidingsaangeleenthede: Enkele Gedagtes oor Collaborative Law ter Beslegting Van Ouerlike Geskille 2015(18)5
- Die Beperkings van Regstellende Gelykheid 2004(7)1
- Die Betekenis van die Bepalings van die 1996-Grondwet: Die Aanhef en Hoofstuk 1 1998(1)1
- Die Dialektiek in die Waardes van die 1996-Grondwet 1998(1)1
- Die Effek van 'n Voorlopige Sekwestrasiebevel – Word my Reg om 'n Lid van die Parlement te wees ingeperk? 2015(18)5
- Die Geldigheidsvereistes van 'n Trust opnuut Ondersoek: Khabola v Ralithabo [2011] ZAFSHC 62 2015(18)5
- Die Impak en Grondwetlikheid van die Reg om te Staak met betrekking tot Noodsaaklike Dienste – 'n Vergelykende Studie 2009(12)2
- Die Mishandelde Vrou in die Strafreg: 'n Regsvergelykende Ondersoek 2009(12)4
- Die Moontlike Regshervorming van die Integrasiereël in die Suid-Afrikaanse Kontraktereg deur middel van die Leerstuk van Rektifikasie 2014(17)3
- Die Nasionalisering van Waterregte in Suid-Afrika: Ontneming of Onteiening 2003(6)1
- Die Reg op Regsverteenwoordiging tydens Administratiewe Verrigtinge 2004(7)1
- Die Reg van die Homoseksuele Ouer om Beheer en Toesig oor 'n Kind te verkry in die Lig van die Bepalings van die Grondwet 1999(2)2
- Die Reg van die Kind op Kontak met Beide Ouers: Opmerkings na Aanleiding van Onlangse Ontwikkelinge in die Nederlandse Reg 2011(14)1
- Die Rol van en Beperkings op die Regbank om Sosiale Vrede in Suid-Afrika te bevorder 2012(14)2
- Die Status en Beskerming van Meerderjariges met Beperkte Handelingsbevoegdheid / The Status and Protection of Majors with Impaired Capacity to Act 2020(23)
- Die Toepassing van die Wet op Beroepsgesondheid en -Veiligheid en ander Veiligheidsmaatreëls by Skole se Tegnologiewerkswinkels 2022(25)
- Die Wenslikheid van Afrikaans as Vaktaal vir Regstudente 2011(14)1
- Digital Financial Services: Prospects and Challenges 2021(24)
- Dilemma of Muslim Women regarding Divorce in South Africa 2004(7)2
- Director and Officer Liability in the Zone of Insolvency: A Comparative Analysis 2008(11)1
- Director's Duty to Act for a Proper Purpose in the Context of Distribution under the Companies Act 71 of 2008 2019(22)
- Disability Discrimination and the Right of Disabled Persons to access the Labour Market 2012(15)1
- Disclosure in Centre for Child Law v the Governing Body of Hoërskool Fochville 2017(20)
- Discovering the Value of Liberty in Intellectual Property Adjudication: A Methodological Critique of the Reasoning in Discovery Ltd v Liberty Group Ltd 2020 4 SA 160 (GJ), 2021(24)
- Disposing of Bodies, Semantically: Notes on the Meaning of "Disposal" in S v Molefe 2018(21)
- Disqualification for Non-Compliance with Public Tender ConditionS 2014(17)6
- Doctrinal Sanction and the Protection of the Rights of Religious Associations: Ecclesia De Lange V The Presiding Bishop of The Methodist Church of Southern Africa (726/13) [2014] ZASCA 2016(19)
- Distinguishing Between Private Law and Social-Security Law in deducting Social Grants - Claims for Loss of Support 2011(14)4
- Do Boards of Trustees of South African Retirement Funds owe Fiduciary Suties to Both the Funds and Fund Members? The Debate continues 2012(15)2
- Do the SALINI Criteria apply to the Definition of an Investment provided in Annex 1 of the 2006 and 2016 SADC Protocol on Finance and Investment? An Assessment 2020(23)
- Does Albinism Fit Within the Legal Definition of Disability in the Employment Context? A Comparative Analysis of the Judicial Interpretation of Disability under the SA and the US Non-Discrimination Laws 2018(21)
- Domestic Partners and "The Choice Argument": Quo Vadis? 2015(18)1
- Double Taxation Treaty Interpretation: Lessons - a Case Down Under 2020(23)
- DNA Evidence as the Basis for Conviction 2021(24)
- DNA Profiling and the Law in South Africa 2011(14)4
- Driving Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through the Companies Act: An Overview of the Role of the Social and Ethics Committee 2013(16)1
- Ecosystem Services and International Water Law: Towards a more effective determination and implementation of Equity? 2013(16)2
- Editorial: Engaging with African Customary Law: Legal History in Contemporary South Africa 2017(20)
- Editorial: Special Edition on Water Security 2017(20)
- Editorial: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: African Perspectives on Progress and Prospects, 2020(23)
- Educator Sexual Misconduct: Exposing or Causing Learners to be Exposed to Child Pornography or Pornography 2015(18)6
- Employers’ Statutory Vicarious Liability in Terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act 2016(19)
- Enkele Opmerkings oor Bankrot Munisipaliteite 2015(18)5
- Enhancing the Value of Patents as Corporate Assets in South Africa: How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assist 2021(24)?
- Ensuring the Reliability of Fire-Arm Identification Evidence 2020(23)
- Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value in Terms of the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998: Lessons - the International Labour Organisation and the United Kingdom 2016(19)
- Equal Pay in Terms of the Employment Equity Act: The Role of Seniority, Collective Agreements and Good Industrial Relations: Pioneer Foods (Pty) Ltd v Workers against Regression 2016 ZALCCT 14 2017(20)
- Ethics, Justice and the Sale of Kidneys for Transplantation Purposes 2010(13)2
- European and American Perspectives on the Choice of Law Regarding Cross-Border Insolvencies of Multinational Corporations – Suggestions for South Africa 2012(15)5
- Evaluering van Regstellende Aksie in Konteks van Moontlike Onbillike Diskriminasie teen Subgroepe binne die Aangewese Groep 2015(18)5
- Examining the Application of Deterrence in Sentencing in Malawi 2017(20)
- Examining the Land Use Act of 1978 and Its Effects on Tenure Security in Nigeria: A Case Study of Ekiti State, Nigeria 2019(22)
- Exemption Clauses and the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008: An Assessment of Naidoo v Birchwood Hotel 2012 6 SA 170 (GSJ) 2014(17)3
- Exempting Health Research - the Consent Provisions of POPIA 2021(24)
- Experiences and Challenges of Evidence Leaders ("Prosecutors") in Learner Disciplinary Hearings in Public Schools 2015(18)6
- Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health 2015(18)2
- Exploring Universal Partnerships and Putative Marriages as Tools for Awarding Partnership Property in Contemporary Family Law 2016(19)
- Exploring Childhood Statelessness in South Africa 2020(23)
- Ex Post Facto Authorisation in South African Environmental Assessment Legislation: A Critical Review 2006(9)1
- Extending Recognition of Indigenous Burial Practices in Selomo v Doman 2014 JDR 0780 (LCC)2016(19)
- Facing the Challenge of Improving the Legal Writing Skills of Educationally Disadvantaged Law Students in a South African Law School 2018(21)
- Facing the Music through Environmental Administrative Penalties: Lessons to be Learned - the Implementation and Impact of Section 24G 2022(25)?
- "Fair" Mathematics in assessing Delictual Damages 2011(14)2
- Family Conferencing: Responsibility at Grassroots Level – A Comparative Analysis between the Netherlands and South Africa 2021(24)
- Fiddling with the ECT ACT – Electronic Signatures 2014(17)6
- Finding Nema: The National Environmental Management Act, the De Hoop Dam, Conflict Resolution and Alternative Dispute Resolution in Environmental Disputes 2006(9)3
- Finding Property in New Places – Property in Cyber and Outer Space 2015(18)5
- First Do No Harm: Legal Principles Regulating the Future of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care in South Africa 2022(25)
- "For the Sake of the Children": South African Family Relocation Disputes 2011(14)2
- Foreword 2011(14)3
- Forceful Arrests: An Overview of Section 49 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 and its Recent Amendments 2012(15)2
- Formal Regulation of Third Party Litigation Funding Agreements? A South African Perspective 2018(21)
- Formulating Specialised Legislation to address the Growing Spectre of Cybercrime: A Comparative Study 2009(12)4
- Frankenberg G Comparative Constitutional Studies – Between Magic and Deceit 2018(21)
- Frontiers of Change and Governance in Contractual Agreements: The Possible Role of Exploitation - Uniting Reformed Church De Doorns v President of the Republic of South Africa 2013 5 SA 205 (WCC) 2014(17)6
- Fraus Legis in Constitutional Law: The Case of Expropriation "Without" or for "Nil" Compensation 2021(24)
- Fundamental Consumer Rights under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008: A Critical Overview and Analysis 2010(13)3
- Fuzzy Law and the Boundaries of Secularism 2010(13)3
- Gebeurlikhede en die Bewyslas in die Deliktuele Skadevergoedingsreg 2007(10)1
- Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Fight Malaria in Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Mali and Uganda: What Legal Response? 2022(25)
- Gender Inequality and Land Rights: The Situation of Indigenous Women in Cameroon 2019(22)
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- Sink or Swim? Debt Review's Ambivalent "Lifeline" ... a Second Sequel to "… a Tale of Two Judgments": Nedbank v Andrews (240/2011) 2011 ZAECPEHC 29 (10 May 2011); Firstrand Bank Ltd v Evans 2011 4 SA 597 (KZD) and Firstrand Bank Ltd v Janse van Rensburg 2012 2 All SA 186 (ECP) 2012(15)4
- Sailing between Scylla and Charybdis: Mayelane v Ngwenyama 2014(17)4
- Social Protection Instruments and Women Workers in the Informal Economy: A Southern African Perspective 2021(24)
- Some Aspects of South African Cross-Border Insolvency Relief: The Lehane Matter 2016(19)
- Some Comments on the Current (and Future) Status of Muslim Personal Law in South Africa 2004(7)2
- Some Comments on the Scheme of Arrangement as an "Affected Transaction" as Defined in the Companies Act 71 of 2008 2012(15)5
- Some Comments on Water Rights in South Africa 2005(8)1
- Some Drastic Measures to Close a Loophole: The Case of Pienaar Brothers (PTY) LTD v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (87760/2014) [2017] ZAGPPHC 231 (29 May 2017) and the Targeted Retroactive Amendment of Section 44 of the Income Tax 2018(21)
- Some Tax Implications of Traditional Knowledge under Conventional Intellectual Property 2010(13)4
- Some Thoughts on Socio-Economic Rights 2003(6)2 (Special Edition)
- Sounding the Alarm: Government of the Republic of Namibia v LM and Women's Rights during Childbirth in South Africa 2018(21)
- South Africa's Debut into Broadcasting Criminal Trials – The Legal Arguments in Televising the Oscar Pistorius Trail 2017(20)
- South Africa – Safe Haven for Human Traffickers? Employing the Arsenal of Existing Law to Combat Human Trafficking 2012(15)1
- South African Private Security Contractors Active in Armed Conflicts: Citizenship, Prosecution and the Right to Work 2011(14)7
- South Africans offering Foreign Military Assistance Abroad: How real is the Risk of Domestic Prosecution? 2018(21)
- Spatial Practices in Lowliebenhof: The Case of Maphango v Aengus Lifestyle Properties (Pty) Ltd 2014(17)5
- Standing on Unsteady Ground: AREVA NP Incorporated in France v Eskom SOC LTD 2019(22)
- State Control over Private Military and Security Companies in Armed Conflict by H Tonkin 2012(15)5
- State Duties of Protection and Fundamental Rights 2000(3)1
- Step-Parent Adoption Gone Wrong: Turner V Turner (Gj) (Unreported) Case Number 13040/2013 Of 19 June 2015 2016(19)
- Stop the Press: Why Censorship has made Headline News (Again) 2007(10)1
- Strengthening International Governance for Sustainable Development: Expectations for the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit 2002(5)1
- Strengthening Locus Standi in Human Rights Litigation in Zimbabwe: An Analysis of the Provisions in the New Zimbabwean Constitution 2016(19)
- Strikes in Essential Services in Kenya: The Doctors, Nurses and Clinical Officers' Strikes Revisited and Lessons - South Africa 2020(23)
- Suggested Safeguards and Limitations for Effective and Permissible Parenting Coordination (Facilitation or Case Management) in South Africa 2015(18)2
- Sustainable Development and the Nature of Environmental Legal Principles 2006(9)1
- S v Lito 2014 SACR 431 (SCA): A Clarification on Extra Curial Statements and Hearsay 2015(18)2
T part 1
- Tagging and Tracking of Persons with Albinism: A Reflection of Some Critical Human Rights & Ethical Issues Arising - the Use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) as Part of a Solution to Cracking Down on Violent Crimes Against Persons with Albinism 2019(22)
- Taking a Second Bite at the Appeal Cherry: Molaudzi v S 2016(19)
- Temporary Employment Services (Labour Brokers) in South Africa and Namibia 2010(13)2
- Ten Years On, the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and Zimbabwe's Marange and "Conflict Diamonds": Lessons to be learnt 2014(17)1
- Tenure Security Reform and Electronic Registration: Exploring Insights - English Law 2011(14)3
- Termination-of-Pregnancy Rights and Foetal Interests in Continued Existence in South Africa: The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996 2012(15)5
- The Academia as Profession 2013(16)1
- The Admission and Enrolment of Foreign Legal Practitioners in South Africa Under The Legal Practice Act: International Trade Law and Constitutional Perspectives 2016(19)
- The Appellate Division has spoken – Sequestration Proceedings do not Qualify as Proceedings to Enforce a Credit Agreement under The National Credit Act 34 of 2005: Naidoo v ABSA Bank 2010 4 SA 597 (SCA) 2011(14)2
- The Application and Interpretation by South African Courts of General Renvoi Clauses in South African Double Taxation Agreements 2019(22)
- The Application of International Human Rights Instruments in Outer Space Settlements: Today's Science Fiction, Tomorrow's Reality 2019(22)
- The Application of Just Administrative Action in the South African Environmental Governance Sphere: An Analysis of Some Contemporary Thoughts and Recent Jurisprudence 2004(7)2
- The Application of Section 8(3) of the Constitution in the Development of Customary Law Values in South Africa's New Constitutional Dispensation 2012(15)1
- The Appointment of a Proxy "At Any Time" in Terms of Section 58 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: Richard Du Plessis Barry v Clearwater Estates NPC [2017] ZASCA 11 2019(22)
- The Appraisal Right in terms of Section 164 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: An Overview 2022(25)
- The Balancing of Conflicting Rights in the Application of Section 49 of The Criminal Procedure Act 2003(6)2 (Special Edition)
- The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, Species-Based Legal Protection and the Danger of Misidentification 2015(18)7
- The Battle of the Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela Community: Access to and Control of Communal Land 2017(20)
- The Bench and Academia 2009(12)4
- The Bengwenyama Trilogy: Constitutional Rights and the Fight for Prospecting on Community Land 2012(15)4
- The Best of Both Worlds Some Reflections on the Interaction between the Common Law and the Bill of Rights in our New Constitution 1999(2)1
- The Binding Effect of the Constitutive Documents of Companies: The 1973 and 2008 Companies Acts of South Africa 2010(13)1
- The BRICS-Lawyers’ Guide to Global Cooperation by Rostam J. Neuwirth, Aexandr Svetlicinii and Denis De Castro Halis 2018(21)
- The "Brown" Environmental Agenda and the Constitutional Duties of Local Government in South Africa: A Conceptual Introduction (note) 2015(18)5
- The Case of Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe v Louis Karel Fick: A First Step towards developing a Doctrine on the Status of International Judgments within the Domestic Legal Order 2014(17)1
- The Changing Identity on Succession to Chieftaincy in the Institution of Traditional Leadership: Mphephu v Mphephu-Ramabulana (948/17) [2019] ZASCA 58 2020(23)
- The changing public policy and automatic termination of fixed-term employment contracts in South Africa 2017(20)
- The Changing Rules of Jus Ad Bellum: Conflicts in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan 2004(7)2
- The Characteristics of an Abstract System for the Transfer of Property in South African Law as Distinguished - a Causal System 2012(15)3
- The Child Justice Act: A Detailed Consideration of Section 68 as a Point of Departure with Respect to the sentencing of Young Offenders 2012(15)5
- The Child Justice Act: Procedural Sentencing Issues 2013(16)1
- The Committee System for Competitve Bids in Local Government 2009(12)2
- "The Common Law is … not what it used to be"*: Revisiting Recognition of a Constitutionally-Inspired Implied Duty of Fair Dealing in the Common Law Contract of Employment (Part 1) 2018(21)
- "The Common Law is … not what it used to be"*: Revisiting Recognition of a Constitutionally-Inspired Implied Duty of Fair Dealing in the Common Law Contract of Employment (Part 2) 2018(21)
- "The Common Law is … not what it used to be"*: Revisiting Recognition of a Constitutionally-Inspired Implied Duty of Fair Dealing in the Common Law Contract of Employment (Part 3) 2018(21)
- The Concept of a "Decision" as the Threshold Requirement for Judicial Review in Terms of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 2011(14)5
- The Conservation Status of Eagles in South African Law 2013(16)4
- The Consequences of the Statutory Regulation of Customary Law: An Examination of the South African Customary Law of Succession and Marriage 2019(22)
- The Constitutional Court's contribution to Sustainable Development in South Africa 2003(6)2 (Special Edition)
- The Constitutional Influence on Organ Transplants with specific Reference to Organ Procurement 2014(17)1
- The Constitutional Mandate for Social Welfare – Systemic Differences and links between Property, Land Rights and Housing Rights 2015(18)4
- The Constitutional Protection Afforded to Child Victims and Child Witnesses while Testifying in Criminal Proceedings in South Africa 2019(22)
- The Constitutional Rules of Succession to the Institution of Monarch in Lesotho 2019(22)
- The Constitutional Validity of Search and Seizure Powers in South African Criminal Procedure 2009(12)4
- The Constitutionality of a Biological Father's Recognition as a Parent 2010(13)3
- The Constitutionality of the National Health Insurance Bill: The Treatment of Asylum Seekers 2022(25)
- The Constitutionality of the Prohibition of Hate Speech in terms of Section 10(1) of the Equality Act: A Reply to Botha and Govindjee 2019(22)
- The Constitutionalisation of the Test for Statutory Illegality in South African Contract Law: Cool Ideas v Hubbard 2014 4 SA 474 (CC) 2018(21)
- The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 and Procedural Fairness in Consumer Contracts 2015(18)4
- The Conundrum of Judicial Notice as a Means of Ascertaining Customary Law in Nigerian and South African Courts amid the Convergence of Positivism and Legal Pluralism 2019(22)
- The Commission as a Party Before The Court– Reflections on the Complementarity Arrangement 2016(19)
- The Core Meaning of Human Dignity 2016(19)
- The Customary Anatomy of the Traditional Governance of the Bafokeng Traditional Community: The Implications of the Constitutional Recognition of Hereditary Headmanship 2017(20)
- The Dangers of Convictions Based on a Single Piece of Forensic Evidence 2020(23)
- The Debt Couselling Process: Closing the Loopholes in the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 2009(12)4
- The Development of Cryptocurrencies as a Payment Method in South Africa 2021(24)
- The Development of International Law through the Unauthorised Conduct of International Institutions 2015(18)5
- The Development of the Interface between Law, Medicine and Psychiatry: Medico-Legal Perspectives in History 2009(12)4
- The Devil is in the Definition – Definitions and their Limited Use in Legal Problem Solving 2011(14)7
- The Doctrine of Quasi-Mutual Assent – Has it become the General Rule for the Formation of Contracts? The Case of Pillay v Shaik 2009 4 SA 74 (SCA) 2012(15)5
- The Different Worlds of Labour and Company Law: Truth or Myth? 2014(17)5
- The Direct Applicability of SADC Community Law in South Africa and Zimbabwe: A Call for Supranationality and the Uniform Application of SADC Community Law 2018(21)
- The Dutch Crisis and Recovery Act: Economic Recovery and Legal Crisis 2010(13)5
- The Duty to effect an Appropriate Mode of Payment to Minor Pension Beneficiaries under Scrutiny in Death Claims 2009(12)2
- The Duty to Produce One’s Firearm for Inspection in Terms of the Firearms Control Act: The Right to Silence under Siege? 2018(21)
- The Effect of the Original Acquisition of Ownership of Immovable Property on Existing Limited Real Rights 2015(18)5
- The Effectiveness of Plea and Sentence Agreements in Environmental Enforcement in South Africa 2019(22)
- The Emerging International Constitutional Order: The Implications of Hierarchy in International Law for the Coherence and Legitimacy of International Decision-Making 2007(10)2
- The Employment status of magistrates in South Africa and the concept of judicial independence 2017(20)
- The Enforceability of Illegal Employment Contracts according to the Labour Appeal Court Comments on Kylie v CCMA 2011 4 SA 383 (LAC) 2011(14)2
- The Enforcement of Socio-Economic Rights 2007(10)3
- The Enforcement of the Payment of Lobolo and its Impact on Children's Rights in South Africa 2013(16)1
- The Enigmatic but Unique Nature of the Israeli Legal System 2012(15)3
- The Establishment of Kingdoms and the Identification of Kings and Queens in Terms of the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act 41 of 2003 2008 (11)3
- The Exclusion of liability for emotional harm to passengers in the Warsaw and Montréal Convention: moving away - Floyd, Siddhu and Pienaar, the Stott Case? 2017(20)
- The Experience of Face Veil Wearers in Europe and the Law 2017(20)
- The Functions of Selected Human Rights Institutions and Related Role-Players in the Protection of Human Rights in Zimbabwe 2016(19)
- The Foundational tenets of Johannes Althusius’ constitutionalism 2017(20)
- The Future of African Customary Law by Fenrich J, Galizzi P and Higgins TE (eds) 2012(15)5
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Using Good and Cooperative Governance to improve Environmental Governance of South African World Heritage Sites: A Case Study of the Vredefort Dome 2008(11)2
- The History of Labour Hire in Namibia: A Lesson for South Africa 2013(16)1
- The Impact of Minority Status in the Application of Affirmative Action: Naidoo V Minister of Safety And Security 2013 5 Bllr 490 (Lc) 2016(19)
- The Impact of HIV/AIDS regarding Informal Social Security: Issues and Perspectives - a South African Context 2010(13)3
- The Impact of SADC Social Protection Instruments on the Setting Up of a Minimum Social Protection Floor in Southern African Countries 2012(15)1
- The Impact of the Labour Relations Act on Minority Trade Unions: A South African Perspective 2013(16)4
- The Impact of Myths, Superstition and Harmful Cultural Beliefs against Albinism in Tanzania: A Human Rights Perspective 2020(23)
- The Impact of the Twin Peaks Model on The Insurance Industry 2016(19)
- The Impact on Women on the Removal of Gender as a Rating Variable in Motor-Vehicle Insurance 2013(16)1
- The Implications of Federalism and Decentralisation on Socio-Economic Conditions in Ethiopia 2012(15)2
- The Incorporation of Double Taxation Agreements into South African Domestic Law 2015(18)4
- The Incorporation of Public International Law into Municipal Law and Regional Law against the Background of the Dichotomy between Monism and Dualism 2014(17)4
- The Independence of South African Judges: A Constitutional and Legislative Perspective 2015(18)4
- The Influence of "Reasonableness" on the Element of Conduct in Delictual or Tort Liability - Comparative Conclusions (2019)22
- The Influence of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 on the Common Law Warranty against Eviction: A Comparative Overview 2012(15)5
- The Interaction between Religious Freedom, Equality and Human Dignity 2003(6)2 (Special Edition)
- The Interaction between the Debt Relief Measures in the National Credit Act 24 of 2005 and Aspects of Insolvency Law 2009(12)3
- The Interplay between International Law and Labour Law in South Africa: Piercing the Diplomatic Immunity Veil 2014(17)6
- The Interpretation of the Amended RAF Act 56 of 1996 and the Regulations thereto by the Courts with regard to "Serious Injury" Claims 2012(15)2
- The Interpretation to be accorded to the Term "Benefits" in Section 186(2)(A) of the LRA Continues: Apollo Tyres South Africa (PTY) LIMITED v CCMA (DA1/11) [2013] ZALAC 3 2014(17)1
- The International Humanitarian Law Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities – A Review of The ICRC Interpretive Guide and Subsequent Debate 2014(17)3
- The in Vitro Embryo and the Law: The Ownership Issue and a Response to Robinson 2020(23)
- The Judiciary as a Bastion of the Legal Order in Challenging Times – FW de Klerk Lecture: 13 October 2008 2009(12)2
- The Law Faculty of the NWU Potchefstroom Campus celebrates its half Centenary 2015(18)5
- The Law Regarding Pension Interest in South Africa has been settled! Or has it? With Reference to Ndaba v Ndaba (600/2015) [2016] ZASCA 162 2017(20)
- The Legal Implications of the Economic Realities of Artificially Manipulating an Decrease/Increase of Earnings Per Share - If Any 2014(17)6
- The Legal Nature of a Lien in South African Law 2014(17)6
- The Legal Nature of the Duty of Care and Skill 2017(20)
- The Legal Nature of the Embryo: Legal Subject or Legal Object? 2018(21)
- The Legal Operation of Liens: Theory and Practice 2021(24)
- The Legal Status of the Spanish Imperial Eagle in Spain and Thoughts on Environmental Law and Policy as Contributing Factors in the Conservation of Species 2014(17)5
- The Legal Status of Evidence obtained through Human Rights Violations in Uganda 2016(19)
- The Legislative Authority of the Local Sphere of Government to Conserve and Protect the Environment: A Critical Analysis of Le Sueur v eThekwini Municipality [2013] ZAKZPHC 6 (30 January 2013) 2014(17)1
- The Legislative Framework Regarding Bullying in South African Schools 2014(17)6
- The Liability of Churches for the Historical Sexual Assault of Children by Priests 2014(17)6
- The Life and Times of a Learned Jackal for Justice 2015(18)4
- The Life and Times of Textualism in South Africa 2019(22)
- The Management of African Wages at the Mines: Law and Policy Before 1948 2022(25)8
- The Marketing of Consumer and Mortgage Credit as a Responsible Lending Tool: A Comparison of South African, European and Belgian Law: Part 1 2020(23)
- The Marketing of Consumer and Mortgage Credit as a Responsible Lending Tool: A Comparison of South African, European and Belgian Law: Part 2 2020(23)
- The Mélange of Innovation and Tradition in Maltese Law: The Essence of the Maltese Mix? 2012(15)3
- The Methodology used to interpret Customary Land Tenure 2012(15)3
- The Million Rand Question: Does a Civil Marriage Automatically Dissolve the Parties' Customary Marriage? 2019(22)
- The Modern-Day Impact of Cultural and Religious Diversity: "Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies" 2014(17)1
- The National Credit Act's remedies for reckless credit in the mortgage context 2018(21)
- The National Credit Act regarding Suretyships and Reckless Lending 2011(14)2
- The "Necessity Test" as Expressed by the Enigmatic Article XX(j) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994): Appellate Body Report, India - Certain Measures Relating to Solar Cells and Solar Modules 2019(22)
- The Need to Adopt Preventative Measures to Combat the Misappropriation of Retirement Fund Assets 2021(24)
- The Need for Feminist Approaches for Housing Cases in South Africa 2021(24)
- The New Africa Top Level Domain: An African Initiative in Ensuring Africa's Rightful Place on the Global Network 2014(17)3
- The New Developments in International Investment Law: A need for Multilateral Investment Treaty? 2018(21)
- The Nexus between the Rights to Life and to a Basic Education in South Africa 2015(18)6
- The Obligation to provide Free Basic Education in South Africa: An International Law Perspective 2011(14)6
- The Obligations on Government and Society in our Constitutional State to respect and support Independent Constitutional Structures 2000(3)1
- Theoretical (Dis-) position and Strategic Leitmotivs in Constitutional Interpretation in South Africa 2015(18)5
- The Paradox of Migration and the Interests of the Atomistic Nation-States: The Southern African Perspective 2013(16)1
- The Payout of a Life Insurance Policy into an Unrehabilitated Insolvent's Estate: Malcolm Wentzel v Discovery Life Limited: In Re Botha v Wentzel (1001/19) [2020] ZASCA 121 (2 October 2020) 2022(25)
- The Potential of Capstone Learning Experiences in addressing perceived Shortcomings in LLB Training in South Africa 2014(17)4
- The Potential Use of Cellular Phone Technology in maintaining an Up-To-Date Register of Land Transactions for the Urban Poor 2011(14)3
- The Powers of the Office of the Public Protector and the South African Human Rights Commission: A Critical Analysis of SABC v DA and EFF v Speaker of the National Assembly 2016 3 SA 580 (CC) 2020(23)
- The Price of Sadness: Comparison between the Netherlands and South Africa 2019(22)
- The Problematic Practical Application of Section 1(6) and 1(7) of the Intestate Succession Act under a new Dispensation 2014(17)3
- The Problems of proving Actual or Apparent Bias: An Analysis of Contemporary Developments in South Africa 2011(14)7
- The Prosecution of Incitement to Genocide in South Africa 2013(16)5
- The Protection of Children's Right to Self-Determination in South African Law with Specific Reference to Medical Treatment and Operations 2018(21)
- The Protection of Conscientious Objection against Euthanasia in Health Care 2019(22)
- The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Netherlands and South Africa compared: Can the Many Differences be justified? 2008(11)2
- The Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 in the Context of Health Research: Enabler of Privacy Rights or Roadblock 2022(25)?
- The Pursuit of Sustainable Development through Cultural Law and Governance Frameworks: A South African Perspective 2015(18)5
- The Question is "Should Insurers Continuously Update Policyholder Records"? Insurance Law Requires the Principles of Administrative Law to Settle Disputes between the Policyholder and the Insurer 2019(22)
- The Ratification of Inadequate Surrogate Motherhood Agreements and the Best Interest of the Child 2019(22)
- The Reasonable Accommodation of Employees with Cancer and their Right to Privacy in the Workplace 2018(21)
- The Registration of Special Notarial Bonds under the Security by Means of Movable Property Act and the Publicity Principle: Lessons - Developments in Belgium 2018(21)
- The Regulation of Electronic Money Institutions in the SADC Region: Some Lessons - the EU 2014(17)6
- The Regulation of the Possession of Weapons at Gatherings 2103(16)4
- The Reinstatement and Compensation Conundrum in South African Labour Law 2016(19)
- The Relationship between Courts and the Other Arms of Government in promoting and protecting Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa: What about Separation of Powers? 2012(15)5
- The Relationship between Restraints of Trade and Garden Leave 2017(20)
- The Reliance on Lifestyle Audits for Public Officials to Curb Corruption and Tax Evasion in Nigeria 2021(24)
- The Requirement of being a "Fit and Proper" Person for the Legal Profession 2011(14)4
- The Requirements for the Inclusion of Standard Terms in International Sales Contracts 2011(14)1
- The Regulation of Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa: Law and Governance Perspectives 2014(17)5
- The Regulation of Market Manipulation in Australia: A Historical Comparative Perspective 2015(18)2
- The Regulations relating to Foodstuffs for Infants and Young Children (R 991): A Formula for the Promotion of Breastfeeding or Censorship of Commercial Speech? 2014(17)1
- The Remedial Action of the "State of Capture" Report in Perspective 2017(20)
- The Resonance of Colonial Era Customary Codes in Contemporary Uganda 2019(22)
- The Right of Child Victims of Armed Conflict to Reintegration and Recovery 2012(15)1
- The Right of the Child to Care and Constitutional Damages for the Loss of Parental Care: Some Thoughts OnM v Minister of Police and Minister of Police v Mboweni 2015(18)5
- The Right to be Granted Access over the Property of Others in Order to Enter Prospecting or Mining Areas: Revisiting Joubert v Maranda Mining Company (PTY) LTD [2009] 4 ALL SA 127 (SCA) 2019(22)
- The Right to Dignity and Restorative Justice in Schools 2011(14)6
- The Right to Electricity in South Africa 2022(25)
- The Right to Strike and Replacement Labour: South African Practice Viewed - an International Law Perspective 2018(21)
- The Right to Strike under the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA) and Possible Factors for Consideration that Would Promote the Objectives of the LRA 2019(22)
- The Rules of an Occupational Retirement Fund and the Problem of Defaulting Employers: A Reconsideration of Orion Money Purchase Pension Fund (SA) v Pension Funds Adjudicator 2016(19)
T part 2
- The Right to Freedom of Expression: The Mother of our Democracy 2015(18)6
- The Right to Just Administrative Action in the Context of Suspending the Payment of Disputed Tax 2017(20)
- The Right to Self-Determination of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities in South Africa 2011(14)4
- The Rights and Freedoms of Moroccan Women: has the 2004 Reforms Benefited Moroccan Women? 2016(19)
- The Righteous Bankruptcy Trustee: The Influence of Creditors on the Appointment of a Bankruptcy Trustee - a Netherlands Perspective 2008(11)1
- The Road Accident Fund and Serious Injuries: The Narrative Test 2012(15)2
- The Role of Good Environmental Governance in the Sustainable Development of South Africa (2010(13)1
- The Role of Human Dignity in the Assessment of Fair Compensation for Unfair Dismissals 2012(15)4
- The Role of International Sustainable Development Law Principles in enabling Effective Renewable Energy Policy – A South African Perspective 2012(15)2
- The Role of the Labour Court in Collective Bargaining: Altering the Protected Status of Strikes on Grounds of Violence in National Union of Food Beverage Wine Spirits & Allied Workers v Universal Product Network (Pty) Ltd (2016) 37 ILJ 476 (LC) 2017(20)
- The Role of Law in Prompting Parents to Participate Accountably with Education Partners 2015(18)6
- The Role of Local Government in Evictions 2011(14)3
- The Role of Quality in the Adjudication of Public Tenders 2014(17)3
- The Role of Religious Leaders in curbing the Spread of HIV/Aids in Nigeria 2010(13)3
- The Role of SADC Institutions in implementing SADC Treaty Provisions dealing with Regional Integration 2012(15)2
- The Role of Traditional Authorities in developing Customary Laws in Accordance with the Costitution: Shilubana and Others v Nwamitwa 2008 (9) BCLR 914 (CC) 2009(12)3
- The Role played by the South African Human Rights Commission's Economic and Social Rights Reports in Good Governance in South Africa 2006(9)2
- The Scope of the Powers of the Minister of Finance in Terms of Section 48(1)(b) of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964: An Appraisal of Recent Developments in Case Law 2018(21)
- The Search and Seizure of Digital Evidence by Forensic Investigators in South Africa 2019(22)
- The Search for Environmental Justice 2017(20)
- The Show must go on! Beserings van Dramastudente tydens Opleiding 2009(12)1
- The Shaping, Enactment and Interpretation of the First Hate-Crime Law in the United Kingdom - An Informative and Illustrative Lesson for South Africa 2017(20)
- The Significance of a Philosophical Approach in Constitutional Adjudication with Reference to the Prince Case 2003(6)2 (Special Edition)
- The Significance of Constitutional Values 2001(4)1
- The South African Class Action Mechanism: Comparing the Opt-In Regime to the Opt-Out Regime 2019(22)
- The South African Constitutional Court's Use of Foreign Precedent in Matters of Religion: Without Fear of Favour? 2015(18)5
- The South African Companies Act and thRealisation of Corporate Human Rights Responsibilities 2015(18)1
- The South African Constitutional Court and the Rule of Law: The Masethla Judgment, A Cause for Concern 2010(13)3
- The South African Defence Review (2012) and Private Military / Security Companies (PMSCs): Heralding a Shift - Prohibition to Regulation? 2013(16)4
- The Southern African Development Community Trade Legal Instruments Compliance with Certain Criteria of GATT Article XXIV 2011(14)
- The South African Prosecutor in the Face of Adverse Pre-Trial Publicity 2020(23)
- The Standard of the Reasonable Person in Determining Negligence – Comparative Conclusions 2021(24)
- The Status and Role of Legislation in South Africa as a Constitutional Democracy: Some Exploratory Observations 2011(14)4
- The Suspension and Setting Aside of Delinquency and Probation Orders under the Companies Act 71 of 2008 2019(22)
- The Suitability of the Remedy of Specific Performance to breach of "a Player's Contract" with Specific Reference to the Mapoe and Santos Cases 2011(14)1
- The Taxation of Company Distributions in Respect of Hybrid Instruments in South Africa: Lessons - Australia and Canada 2021(24)
- The Testamentary Trust: Is it a Trust or a Will? Hanekom v Voigt 2016 1 SA 416 (WCC) 2018(21)
- The Testimonial Competence of Children: A Need for Law Reform in South Africa 2018(21)
- The Trial of Civilians Before Courts Martial in Uganda: Analysing the Jurisprudence of Ugandan Courts in the Light of the Drafting History of Articles 129(1)(d) and 120(a) of the Constitution 2022(25)
- The Universal Jurisdiction of South African Criminal Courts and Immunities of Foreign State Officials 2015(18)7
- The Unconstitutional Practices of the Judicial Service Commission under the Guise of Judicial Transformation: Cape Bar Council V Judicial Service Commission [2012] 2 ALL 143 (WCC) 2014(17)3
- The Unecic: International Trade in the Digital Era 2007(10)2
- The Use of a Therapeutic Jurisprudence Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Law to a New Generation of Law Students in South Africa (2012(15)1
- The Use of Force in effecting Arrest in South Africa and the 2010 Bill: A Step in the Right Direction 2011(14)1
- The Use of Official Languages Act: Diversity affirmed? 2013(16)1
- The Utilisation of the Right of Children to shelter to Alleviate Poverty in South Africa 2004(7)1
- The Value Added Tax Implications of Illegal Transactions 2011(14)4
- The Value of the Persistent Objector Doctrine in International Human Rights Law 2019(22)
- The Viability and Constitutionality of The South African National Register for Sex Offenders: A Comparative Study 2015(18)7
- The World Trade Organisation and Human Rights: The Role of Principles of Good Governance 2008(11)2
- Thinking-of-the-Animal-Other with Emmanuel Levinas 2020(23)
- Third Party Fraud inducing Material Mistake: Slip Knot Investments 777 (Pty) Ltd v du Toit 2011 4 SA 72 (SCA) 2011(14)7
- Threatened Biodiversity, the NEMA EIA Regulations and Cultivation of Virgin Land: More of the Sorry Same 2007(10)3
- To be or not to be? The Role of Private Enquiries in the South African Insolvency Law 2014(17)3
- To Sequestrate or not to Sequestrate in View of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005: A Tale of Two Judgments 2010(13)3
- Towards a Clearer Definition and Understanding of "Indigenous Community for the Purposes of the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Bill, 2010: An Exploration of the Concepts "Indigenous" and "Traditional" 2010(13)4
- Towards Designing a Validated Framework for Improved Clinical Legal Education: Empirical Research on Student and Alumni Feedback 2020(23)
- Towards the Legal Recognition and Governance of Forest Ecosystem Services in Mozambique 2013(16)2
- Towards the Protection of Human Rights: Do the New Zimbabwean Constitutional Provisions on Judicial Independence suffice? 2014(17)1
- Tradisionele Leiers: Erkenning en die Pad Vorentoe 1998(1)1
- Traditional Knowledge and Patent Protection: Conflicting Views on International Patent Standards 2010(13)4
- Traditional Leadership and Independent Bantustans of South Africa: Some Milestones of Transformative Constitutionalism beyong Apartheid 2009(12)4
- Transboundary Movements of Genetically Modified Organisms and the Cartagena Protocol: Key Issues and Concerns 2014(17)5
- Transparency, Trust and Security: An Evaluation of the Insurer's Precontractual Duties 2014(17)6
- Twenty Years Of Constitutional Court Judgments: It’s Influence on Sentencing 2017(20)
- Ubuntu: An African Equity 2011(14)4
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- Unauthorised Adaptation of Computer Programmes – is Criminalisation a Solution? Haupt T/A Softcopy v Brewers Marketing Intelligence (Pty) Ltd 2006 4 SA 458 (SCA) 2011(14)7
- Unaccompanied and Separated Foreign Children in the Care System in the Western Cape – A Socio-Legal Study 2016(19)
- Uncertainty About the Condonation of Formally Non-Compliant Wills, and the Rectification of Cross-Signed Mirror Wills: Is an Act-Based Model the Solution? 2022(25)
- Understanding the Limitations to the Right to Strike in Essential and Public Services in the SADC Region 2016(19)
- Unintentionally Trapped by Debt Review: Procedural Inadequacies in the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 Relating to Withdrawal - the Debt Review Process 2019(22)
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- Universality of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity: A Perspective 2003(6)2 (Special Edition)
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- Unpacking the Law and Practice Relating to Parole in South Africa 2011(14)5
- Unpacking the Public Trust Doctrine: A Journey into Foreign Territory 2010(13)5
- Unraveling Socially Responsible Investment Law: Regulating the Unseen Polluters 2008(11)4
- Unpacking the Right to Plain and Understandable Language in the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 2013(16)5
- Unraveling the Legal Knots around Inter-Country Adoptions in De Gree v Webb 2007(10)3
- Untitled: Securing Land Tenure in Urban and Rural South Africa 2018(21)
- Urban Pro-Poor Registrations: Complex-Simple the Overstrand Project 2011(14)3
- Using a Locum Tenens in a Private Practice 2013(16)4
- Using the Law to Combat Public Procurement Corruption in South Africa: Lessons - Hong Kong 2017(20)
- Utilizing Constitutional Values in Constitutional Comparison 2001(4)1
- Valuation in the Constitutional Era 2015(18)5
- Values and the Rule of Law: Foundations of the European Union – An Inside Perspective - the ECJ 2018(21)
- Vertoon die Corpus Iuris Civilis Kenmerke van 'n Abstrakte Stelsel van Eiendomsoordrag? 2007(10)3
- Viewing the proposed South African Business Rescue Provisions - an Australian Perspective 2008(11)1
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- Vox Populi? Vox Humbug! – Rising Tension between the South African Executive and Judiciary considered in Historical Context – Part One 2012(15)5
- Vox Populi? Vox Humbug! – Rising Tension between the South African Executive and Judiciary considered in Historical Context – Part Two 2012(15)5
- Warrantless Search and Seizures by the South African Police Service: Weighing up the Right to Privacy versus the Prevention of Crime 2021(24)
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- Water Security and the Right to Water in Southern Africa: An Overview 2017(20)
- What Constitutes a Benefit by Virtue of Section 186(2) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995? Apollo Tyres South Africa (Pty) Ltd v CCMA 2013 5 BLLR 434 (LAC) 2015(18)1
- What Happens when the Judiciary switches Roles with the Legislator? An Innovative Israeli Version of a Mixed Jurisdiction 2012(15)3
- What is the future of polygyny (polygamy) in Africa? 2017(20)
- What Intellectual Property Lawyers can learn - Barbra Streisand, Sepp Blatter, and the "Coca-Cola Cry-Baby": Dealing with "Trademark Bullying" in South Africa 2013(16)5
- What of the Child? Preventing the Publication of Children's Names After the Age of 18 2021(24)
- What should the Board of Management of a Pension Fund consider when dealing with Death Claims involving Surviving Cohabitants 2010(13)2
- When does State Interference with Property (now) Amount to Expropriation? An Analysis of the Agri SA Court's State Acquisition Requirement (Part I) 2015(18)1
- When does State Interference with Property (now) Amount to Expropriation? An Analysis of the Agri SA Court's State Acquisition Requirement (Part II) 2015(18)1
- When Certainty and Legality Collide: The Efficacy of Interdictory Relief for the Cessation of Building Works pending Review Proceedings 2010(13)5
- When the Judiciary Flouts Separation of Powers: Attenuating the Credibility of the National Prosecuting Authority 2015(18)7
- Yet Another Call for a Greater Role for Good Faith in the South African Law of Contract: Can we banish the Law of the Jungle, while avoiding the Elephant in the Room? 2013(16)5
- 70 Years after the UDHR: A Provocative Reflection Shaped by African Experiences 2020(23)