Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal
ISSN 1727-3781
2008 Volume 11 No 4
9 Desember 2008
This edition has a technological and commercial flavour.
Professor Dana van der Merwe of the University of South Africa (UNISA) delves into the impact of the information era on the law, drawing distinctions with the aid of legal philosophy between data, information and intelligence.
In similar vein Dr Tanya du Plessis of the University of Johannesburg investigates the impact of information and communication technology on the practice of law and knowledge management in law firms.
Professor Anneliese Roos of UNISA follows with an in-depth and comparative exposition of statutory data protection with specific reference to the legislation of New Zealand, illustrating important disadvantages for participants in the information technology arena in South Africa.
Moving into the field of South African labour law, Ms Elmarie Fourie reveals the weak protection enjoyed by, amongst others, part-time, contract, self-employed, temporary, fixed-term, seasonal, casual, piece-rate, etc. workers and how the notion of indirect discrimination may be useful to remedy this weakness.
Mr Riaz Ismail of UNISA finds confirmation in a recent judgment of the South African Supreme Court of Appeal of the principle that admission of liability for a specific amount, accompanied by payment in full and final settlement, may still be accompanied by an intended offer of compromise.
In conclusion Madeleine Ronquest, Group Environmental Manager of FirstRand Ltd (South Africa), reviews Benjamin J Richardson's book Socially Responsible Investment Law: Regulating the Unseen Polluters.
Francois Venter
Edition Editor: Ms Anel du Plessis