Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal
ISSN 1727-3781

Editorial policy (Afrikaans; Dutch; German)

Aims and Theme
PER publishes contributions relevant to the focus area Development in the South African Constitutional State. This means that most contributions will concern some aspect of constitutionalism or the law relating to development. The fact that the South African constitutional state is the focus, however does not limit the content of PER to the South African legal system, since development law and constitutionalism are excellent themes for comparative work. While constitutionalism and development needs are constantly kept in mind as the main themes, contributions on any aspect or discipline of the law are welcomed, as long as the main themes are addressed.

Editorial policy
The scholarly rigour and the contribution that the manuscript makes to the development of legal scholarship serve as primary criteria for acceptance for publication. Material written in Afrikaans, Dutch, German and English is welcomed. All contributions are published with a summary in English containing the main arguments and conclusions reflected in the contribution.

Contributions submitted for publication are subjected to anonymous review by expert referees.

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically to the editor in a format which is accessible in a word processing package working in the WINDOWS environment. The language of a manuscript must be properly checked for correctness and the manuscript must be prepared in accordance with the PER Standard for Style and Citation..

Copyright in all material published in PER vests in the author, provided that authors grant, by submission of their contributions, permission that their contributions may be downloaded without restriction. An author furthermore agrees that the same contribution may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of the editor.
Anyone gaining access, electronically or otherwise, to a contribution to PER, may quote from such contribution, use the intellectual content thereof, discuss and multiply it, but subject to the following conditions:

  • the name(s) of the author(s), the full title and the bibliographical reference must be given fully

  • and correctly where the material is quoted, used, discussed or multiplied, and

  • the copyright of the author(s) may not be infringed in any way.

Editor: Christa Rautenbach
Assistant editor: Anél du Plessis
Assistant editor: Louis Kotze
Assistant editor: Anél Terblanche