Project: Decent Work

Developing and utilising Labour Law to promote decent work in South Africa and the SADC region

The International Labour Organisation has adopted the aim of promoting the development of "decent work" in its member states. South Africa, as a member state, has an obligation to strive towards achieving this aim. Workers (and their families) may utilise various mechanisms to develop socio-economically and to reach their potential. One of these instruments is the optimal development and application of Labour Law as a regulatory instrument.

The object of this project is to reconsider and develop the nature, role and application of Labour law in order to ensure
a) increased security in labour opportunities in the formal and informal economy;
b) the effective organisation and representation of workers in social institutions and processes;
c) the protection of workers' rights to freedom of association, collective bargaining and equality; and
d) social protection that includes social insurance against diverse risks, inter alia unemployment, occupational injuries, illnesses and death.

Project members

Marius Olivier

Anri Botes

[Accordion collapsed]


Baloyi (reinstatement) CC

De Lange (sexual orientation) CC

Grinpal (municipalities and section 197 LRA) CC

Horn (transfer of undertaking) CC

Solidarity (employment equity targets) LC

Solidarity and Others v Department of Correctional Services (employment equity) (regstellende aksie) 

Steenkamp (operational requirements) CC

Thomas (COIDA) CC

Toyota (reviews) CC

Transport and Allied Workers Union of South Africa v PUTCO Limited (lock out) (uitsluiting)


Recent case law in this field (as available on


Ethis Institute of SA Guidebook for Companies

Global reports (Labour Law)

Voices of Women and Men at Work Report (2017)

Domestic work, wages, and gender equality: Lessons from developing countries

Frontlines scandals global supply chains

Guide on Employment Policy and International Labour Standards

ILO golbal estimates on migrant workers

Labour market dynamics in South Africa

Linking jobs in global supply chains to demand

Public private partnerships for decent work

Review of annual reports ILO Declaration of Fundamental Principles

Social security and a culture of prevention (safety and health at work)

The global gender gap report

Towards a framework for action for ILO engagement in fragile States

World employment social outlook (The changing nature of jobs)

World employment social outlook

ILO The Standards Initiative: Joint report of the Chairpersons of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations and the Committee on Freedom of Association (2016)

ILO Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (2016)

ILO 377th Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association (2016)

Global reports (Social Security)


Social security coverage extension in the BRICS

Social security in the BRICS

Social security programs throughout the world, Africa

Social security programs throughout the world, Europe


Statutes and Regulations

Social Grants gg39382_nn1084



Open: Case law, General, Global reports (Labour Law), Global reports (Social Security), Statutes and Regulations